Sheltered beds are important to raise the happiness in a settlement.Happiness Enter the console command mode and click on the settlement workshop (actual object) before using these commands: getav 00129157 - Show the current Happiness value getav 0012722C - Show the current Bonus Happiness ...
to interact personally with dwellers to raise happiness. Adding more variety to incidents and attacks like radiation leaks or bloatfly infestations. Even giving fun seasonal events and limited time weapons/outfits. It’s a great game to begin with but not a whole lot of work has been keeping ...
Most importantly, if you increase Endurance, it will also raise your HP count during level-ups, which is the most helpful tip for the dweller’s survival. 3. Making the Most of Mr. Handy in Fallout Shelter: Here comes one of the dynamic witty robots in the game, Mr. Handy, in Fallou...
Drinking from a water source is always a tactical choice - you will usually restore lost Health, but raise your radiation level. Sleeping in a rented or owned bed will give you a "Well Rested" bonus that boosts your earned XP for for a limited time. Combat too hard or too easy? You ...
Minutemen/BOS/Railroad patrols in central Boston and Cambridge areas. Minutemen settlement based patrols will become more numerous and expand their patrol area further from their base, based on settlement population and happiness, while chances to see Railroad and BOS groups will depend on story ...
Create a brighter future…underground! Select from a variety of modern-day rooms to turn an excavation beneath 2,000 feet of bedrock into the very picture of Vault Life. OVERSEE A THRIVING COMMUNITY Get to know your Dwellers and lead them to happiness. Find their ideal jobs and watch them ...
This game is very cool that you can build your own vault and have the dwellers to help raise your vault. There are so much features in this game, like for pregnant, some disasters and much more! I love to see how it works and how this game was cool in... There are much more coo...
Adding new dialogue or even giving the overseer the ability to interact personally with dwellers to raise happiness. Adding more variety to incidents and attacks like radiation leaks or bloatfly infestations. Even giving fun seasonal events and limited time weapons/outfits. It’s a great game to ...
This game is very cool that you can build your own vault and have the dwellers to help raise your vault. There are so much features in this game, like for pregnant, some disasters and much more! I love to see how it works and how this game was cool in... There are much more coo...
This game is very cool that you can build your own vault and have the dwellers to help raise your vault. There are so much features in this game, like for pregnant, some disasters and much more! I love to see how it works and how this game was cool in... There are much more coo...