Tutorial - Adding legendary attachment points to items Tutorial - Identifying duplicate recipes for legendary effects in other plugins LEO Extension Description Hub Crafting Highlight Fix FallUI - Workbench Faster Workbench Exit GeneralCan I update the mod mid-playthrough?Yes, updates in a running play...
This mod reduces/removes weight from many different types of items, and is fully customizable to your liking depending on which files you choose. You can remove weight from building supplies, aid, weapon and armor mods, throwables, and more! Now includes merged patches ...
Drop all junk items on the floor. Enter building mode. Scrap items to increase building limits.This can be automated by setting up a vacuum hopper to pull out junk from a container and drop them on the ground. Build limits are measured internally in polygons. Weapons have a high polygon ...
TCNToggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Act...
I have never used the Nexus mod site before or modded Fallout 4, but I downloaded the Mod Pack that fixes and enhances the latest update from Bethesda. How...
crafting bug that makes some items uncraftable, camp placement bug that makes you unable to build anything, pop-in bug that makes the game look like it should be on PS2, lighting bug where light travels through solid objects and scenery, lighting bug where shadows will all turn bright white...
Another method, albeit slower, is for the player to acquire specific items and find a Chem Workshop, where the player can, for example, craft Buffjet by pressing ⨯ and ◯ on PS4 (A+B on XB1) at the same time. If done correctly, the Crafting confirmation screen will appear, howev...
The higher the difficulty setting, the greater your chance of finding Legendary items. Use the Pip-Boy to tune into different radio stations. If you close the Pip-Boy while the radio is on, it will continue playing until you go back into the Pip-Boy and turn it off. Use a Chemistry ...
items strewn along the road into the distance are visible at the mid-point (8) or above on the slider. When the setting is further reduced to 4, only the furthest few items are removed. All items beyond the near distance have disappeared completely when the setting is reduced to its ...
Buffout 4 v1.28.6 Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF79AA2D204 Fallout4.exe+241D204 [Compatibility] F4EE: true [Crashlog] AutoOpen: true PromptUpload: true [Fixes] ActorIsHostileToActor: true CellInit: true CreateD3DAndSwapChain: true EncounterZoneReset...