Flag: Type random numbers (like 1, 2, 3) until you get the kind of armor you want (Standard, Sturdy or Heavy). targetID.cf "ObjectReference.AddItem" <itemID> <amount> <silent> –Unlike the console's addItem command, the Papyrus ObjectReference.AddItem function accepts either a form ID...
Green Shirt and Combat Boots – 001942D6 Grognak Costume – 001828CC Gunner’s Camo Bandana – 0017E922 Gunner’s Green Bandana – 0017E923 Hard Hat – 000F6D86 Harness – 0008158D Hazmat Suit – 000CEAC4 Heavy Dog Armor – 001C32C7 Helmeted Cage Armor – 000B2D8F Helmeted Spike A...
Fix an issue when combat armor texture is randomly changing when using textures mods. Share Permissions and credits Sometimes Archive Invalidation goes wrong if some parts of the textures have been changed by mods, but other parts are still vanilla. You may see the armor texture randomly chang...
guest Free plan |Upgrade settingsAccount settings info Join the Beta to test our latest design updates.Find out more. Join Beta close Endorsements 12,031 Unique DLs 156,204 Total DLs 330,315 Total views 1,488,533 Version 1.6.1 Download: ...
Power armor, also referred to as powered armor, powered combat infantry armor,[1] and powered infantry armor,[2][3] is a type of personal infantry suit intended for combat and heavy-labor roles, similar to that of an infantry fighting vehicle. Power armo
Type:Combat knife Effect:25 bleeding damage points. How to obtain:Reward for completing thePickman's Giftquest. Rockville Slugger Type:Baseball bat Effect:Uses 40% less action points. Location:Diamond City Market. You can buy it fromMoe Cronin. ...
HelmetNVNCRRangerCombat Ranger Helmet 00145EC5 OutfitMerc06 Merc Cruiser Outfit 000C5D34 PipBoyGlove Pip-Boy Glove 00025B83 ArmorLeatherReinforced Leather Armor, Reinforced 001264FE ArmorMetalReinforced Metal Armor, Reinforced 001264FF ArmorCombatReinforced Combat Armor, Reinforced 00126500 Armor...
Published:November 25, 2018byCheat Code Central Staff Fallout 76 Review Unique weapons Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding unique (legendary) weapon: […] Wasteland 3 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 4 (PS4) ...
The facility was also utilized for post-war research into different technologies that were collected, from heavy weapons like missile launchers and miniguns, to energy based weapons like laser and plasma rifles. In 2277, they were even conducting substantial research on the Enclave 's advanced ...
文件:Fo4 metal helmet cut.png The three metal helmet variations. Light, medium and heavy variations of themetal helmetconsisting ofwraparound goggles, goggles plus helmet and goggles, helmet plus scarf combinations. While the goggles and the helmet are still in the game (as separate objects), ...