The Hacker perk is required to hack the terminal on the train to open the cage. Just north of the power armor is a small, ruined house which can spawn a number of random encounters upon each return. The small table in the corner has a Vault-Tec lunchbox. Related quests Kidnapping: ... 美化跟音效: RobCo Recon Scope Replacer - 更酷的偵查瞄準具
Strong Back perk at level 4 allows the player to fast travel even if encumbered, basically having the same effect of this exploit. Safe StealingAn object that is in an area observed by NPCs can be safely stolen by using the 'hold' technique to move the item to another area where the pl...
《辐射4》VEXARIS的香艳杂志封面替换 全面黑客MOD,使用 Total Hack 的挑衅性页面释放您内心的黑客!每本杂志都是一个色情教程,指导你通过指挥计算机、机器人和聚光灯的艺术,让你完全控制每一个电子幻想。这个MOD非常易于安装和使用,只需要简单的几步即可完成安装,让你可以立即开始享受新的游戏体验。它能够为你的游戏...
With the Robotics Expert perk, you can hack robots and attempt to turn them off or on, or initiate a self-destruct. Higher ranks grant the ability to incite them to attack, or allow you to issue specific commands. With the Rooted perk, you can inflict and take more damage while standing...
c: 先找复制人, 得到武器, 并告诉他愿意替他宰了Zimmer, 再去找Zimmer, 得到perk, Zimmer带着小弟来找复制人, 这时宰了Zimmer, 不会引起其他人的攻击d: 同上, 但是不杀Zimmer, 看着Zimmer念出控制机器人的密码, 带走复制人ps:建议这个任务和<Wasteland Survival Guide>系列任务中调查航母城历史的任务一起做...
This perk makes you harder to hit. But there’s more to it. The higher the Agility, the more V.A.T.S you can use, making it mandatory in practically every rifle-based build. Agility is also key in Sneaking itself, since it makes you quieter and, therefore, harder to detect. ...
After being criticised for Fallout 3’s ridiculously low level cap, Bethesda listened. The result is that this iteration has no upper level cap, just a soft cap when – or if – you’re able to spend all 270+ skill points to unlock every level of every perk. ...
Taboo Tattoos Total Hack Tumblers Today U.S Covert Operations Manual Unstoppables Wasteland Survival Guide See Also: Far Harbor DLC Magazines Books and magazines are found all over the Commonwealth, and are divided into different types of skill books - some of which add to a certain perk, and...
4.与Pinkerton聊天, 得到从40年前到18年前得所有历史, 完成附加任务. 得到第一次3人议会note以证明, 并且他会给你他的电脑密码( 无法hack ), 里面有证明资料和大量关于机器人整容的资料 7.完成后的奖励包括在航母城所有商人的部分折扣( 因为他们会被书记载~, 建议该任务和<The Replicated Man>寻找复制人一起...