此任务触发有两种方式,第一种方式是玩家进入芳邻镇(Goodneighbor)后,这里的保镖(Triggerman)会随机对玩家称没鼻子芭比(Bobbi No-Nose)正在招募替其工作的人,随即玩家的哔哔小子的“其他任务”栏中即显示“找芭比交谈”的任务;玩家至芭比的住所(Bobbi's Place)和没鼻子芭比(Bobbi No-Nose)谈话,就会触发支线任务“大...
1) Type: Help LikeAGoodNeighbor 42) Find the 8 digit code under Note.3) Type player.additem xxxxxxxx 1, but replace the x's with the 8 digit code from step 2.4) Find the holotape in your inventoryNick Valentine won't talk to me on the "Travel to CIT" portion of the "Where ...
[RSP+648 ] 0x7FF79A6FBCB6 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+20EBCB6) [RSP+650 ] 0xE9F38A8D9FD7 (size_t) [RSP+658 ] 0x7FF79A6CEA2D (void* -> Fallout4.exe+20BEA2D) [RSP+660 ] 0x236A2683370 (void*) [RSP+668 ] 0x236B03A3470 (void*) [RSP+670 ] 0x236C949F138 (char...
Goodneighbor is founded.[531] The Castle, headquarters of the Commonwealth Minutemen, is destroyed by a mirelurk queen that had risen from the sea and began attacking the fort. Radio Freedom goes off air.[24][532][533]2241[]Around this time, Daisy Whitman's Vertibird crashes near the ...
- - - - - Goodneighbor Neighborhood Watch, NPCs Travel, Dr Goodneighbor, Better Goodneighbor and Better Third Rail, etc. Fifth - Quest Mods. - - - - - Start with the bigger quest mods and place smaller quest mods beneath them.
“You're stopped and asked to help out in Goodneighbor.”— VDSGA non-hostile Triggerman will appear asking if you would be interested in making some "scratch" by taking on a job. When questioned about the job the Triggerman will reply that any questions are to be directed to Bobbi No-...
Trying to do a runthrough of the Triggerman warehouses in Goodneighbor with an automatic plasma rifle will reproduce this bug within a few minutes. The Buffout logs confirm it's an issue with a skeleton.nif related to a Triggerman. Without Cross Gore Overhaul, I never have this issue. I ...
4、艰难时刻 此任务与芳邻镇(Goodneighbor)守卫交谈获取,其他任务栏中即显示“与芳邻镇(Goodneighbor)守卫交谈”。 5、招募同伴 另外,完成“大挖掘计划(The Big Dig)”支线任务后,在玩家的哔哔小子“其他任务”栏中会触发“跟汉考克交谈(Recruiting Hancock)”的任务,与约翰·汉考克(John Hancock)交谈,任务即完成。交...
4、艰难时刻 此任务与芳邻镇(Goodneighbor)守卫交谈获取,其他任务栏中即显示“与芳邻镇(Goodneighbor)守卫交谈”。 5、招募同伴 另外,完成“大挖掘计划(The Big Dig)”支线任务后,在玩家的哔哔小子“其他任务”栏中会触发“跟汉考克交谈(Recruiting Hancock)”的任务,与约翰·汉考克(John Hancock)交谈,任务即完成。交...
Vault-Tec rep MQ101VaultTecRep.txtVaultTecRepGoodneighbor.txt 00031FB4 00031FB4 Sanctuary Hills, Hotel Rexford Doctor Amari DoctorAmari.txt 0009A680 0009A683 Memory Den Irma Irma.txt 000228A5 000228A6 Memory Den Kent Connolly KentConnolly.txt 000228AA 000228AC Memory Den Sonya 000C895F ...