The Fort Hagen Command Center is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287. The Fort Hagen Command Center is a large, underground complex beneath Fort Hagen. The entrance area is a small room accessed through the building of the basement of the fort, or alt
Allow formIDs in the COC command.Remove need to specify a count when using AddItem or RemoveItem commands.Remove vanilla 1000 saves limit.Add a '+' after modded weapon names in the repair menu.Restore the TelekinesisEffect Archtype (0x15) leftover from Oblivion....
“I don't give a damn what sick shit these masked savages are into, they get the job done and don't flap their gums about leave or a sprained ankle! If I had an entire battalion of stone cold killers like them under my command, I'd have the entire region buttoned up in a month...