Crafting exploit for infinite experience on XB1. Remained on PS4 until patch 1.4. Patch 1.3The following exploits no longer work as of patch 1.3. Dogmeat DuplicationThe player character would have to: Drop an item Command Dogmeat to pick up the item. (Generally works best if he's some ...
Command Extender Utilities Uploaded: 18 Jul 2019 Last Update: 19 Jan 2025 Author: lStewieAl FOSE plugin adding a few additional functions and engine bugfixes ported from JIP LN NVSE. Includes FalloutCustom.ini support and ‘Search’ console command. 1.3GB 64.2k 3.3M 7 NMCs_Texture_Pack...
钢铁兄弟会(英文名:Brotherhood of Steel,常缩写为BoS,简称为兄弟会)是一个战后专注科技的准军事组织,在前美国境内设有分支机构。它是由流氓美国陆军军官罗杰·麦克森上尉在大戰之后不久成立的。 兄弟会的核心目的是保护先进科技并规范其使用。[4][5]这是因为他们相信
And here I have to worry a little again. I had to play Fallout 76 on the basic PS4 console but from a newer series. The game worked most of the time at a stable 30 frames per second, but at times the number of fps dropped to a maximum of 10. This happened most often when clea...
As squad leader, it’s up to you to command the actions of your troops throughout each battle, but should the worst happen and a stray bullet takes you out, you’ll switch to the POV of a different member of your division. Surely, a welcome solution to those of us who’ve spent fa...
As squad leader, it’s up to you to command the actions of your troops throughout each battle, but should the worst happen and a stray bullet takes you out, you’ll switch to the POV of a different member of your division. Surely, a welcome solution to those of us who’ve spent fa...
Both entries are not created via the SaveIniFiles command. iActorShadowCount 4 Possibly unused. Should perhaps set to the same value as iActorShadowCountExt and iActorShadowCountInt in the FalloutPrefs.ini. iActorShadowCountExt 2 Default value for the same entry in FalloutPrefs.ini. ...
Patch 1.5 The following exploits no longer work as ofpatch 1.5. Bypass Approval Cooldown Timer The approval cooldown (e.g. the time the player needs to wait after crafting a mod forCodsworth/Preston or picking a lock forPiperuntil they "like" it again) can be reset by saving and reloa...