↑General Brock's terminal in Fort Strong andPrivate Murnahan's holotapefound in Fort Strong refer to the Fat Man as an "M42 nuclear catapult" ↑Ten things we've learned about Fallout 4 - Tech Radar (dead link) 展开 v·d·e Weapons inFallout 4 ...
Three mini nukes - On the main deck's bottom level, next to the mini nuke crates in the north that are recovered from the Fort Strong armory during the quest Show No Mercy. Two are on top of the crates, and the third is on the floor next to the northwestern crate. Long range laser...
里维尔市(Revere City)、奈罕市(Nahant City)及波士顿东区(East Boston District)李布码头(Reeb Marina)2077年11月2号,尤金(Eugene)和马尔康(Malcolm)兄弟二人从核弹落下后的一片混乱之中逃到了李布码头(Reeb Marina)。接着,二人计划修好这里的船,然后逃离这里的战乱与辐射。虽然尤金(Eugene)认为马尔康(Malcolm)是...
辐射系世界观与各公司介绍 本文由隐子草(Yinzicao)20145独家撰写一、辐射系世界观介绍辐射(Fallout)游戏中的世界,与现实中的世界有很大出入,差别巨大。辐射(Fallout)游戏中的科学技术水平与服装、建筑形式都与现实不同,游戏基本的时代设定基于1950年左右原子能和喷气机时代的人们对于明日的幻想。辐射(Fallout)游戏中的...
Fallout 76 Review Unique weapons Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding unique (legendary) weapon: […] Wasteland 3 Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 4 (PS4)
MUW armory has it, outside main rotunda (building w/sandbags). Ammo Box Respawn, Enclave Ammo Box Respawn, Health kit and toolbox respawn. (only the 20 or so flagged LOOT in GECK) all over FO3. Bobbleheads Quest 4 'Bobble-Radars', which will act as terminals. Here you can choose...
Ain't Nothin But A Hound dog's positive outcome and the Followers' quests at Mormon Fort grant positive karma. Water beggars can now only be donated to a total of five times each, before they run off and disappear. General The barter book in the National Archives strong room has been...
控制台-瞬移代码 格式:coc LocationID 将您传送到LocationID位址 QUOTE:LocationID Location ID Locat...
The NCR-Brotherhood War was a war between theNew California Republicand theBrotherhood of Steelthat was waged across theSouthwestWasteland. The War marked a severe downturn in the NCR's economy, and is widely considered to have been avoidable if the NCR had used its diplomatic corps instead of...
COMQC_BoS202FortStrongClearedAV 002488E2 — COMQC_BoS301BuildPrimeBeginsAV 002488E3 — COMQC_BoS302DanseIsSynthAV 002488E4 — COMQC_BoS302DanseDiedAV 002488E5 — COMQC_BoS302DanseLivedAV 002488E6 — COMQC_BoS302BRRDestroyedAV 002488E7 — COMQC_BoS303GettingAgitatorAV 002488E8 — ...