Concrete is a crafting component in Fallout 4. A tough and heavy rock-like material made from pulverized stone. Concrete is used in building several items in settlements, such as foundations for houses and water pumps, as well as statues and other decora
Jamaica Plain only appears inFallout 4. Bugs The protectrons may not respond to terminal commands of activation (they are activated if you hack the Treasures access terminal).[已验证] AI path finding suffers severely in this area, not recognizing the stairs leading to the main plaza, making ...
amounts of wood (and maybe concrete) can be gained by scavenging and scrapping certain items, but there still don't seem to be enough resources to go around. I haven't finishedwith either Sanctuary or Graygarden, and I haven't built anything but turrets in other locations, but I'm ...
Although the espionage was detected by information services employee Sara Wang, no concrete evidence could be located to take official action against industrial espionage.[3] On the other hand, REPCONN itself was guilty of industrial espionage, as their plasma rifle project relied on the use of ...
like watching your dog slowly sink through concrete, or having to restart thewhole game because all your saves mysteriously became corrupted and refused TO LOAD AT ALL AFTER THIRTY HOURS OF PLAY.Not that I'm bitter. In a weird way, restarting Fallout 4 sort of made me appreciate it more,...
Some resources require Fuel to find/process materials (purified water, wood, concrete, steel) Fuel can be found from existing junk containing "Liquid Fuel" or can be crafted as a more expensive last resort Resource utilities will give a very small amount of happiness (this is mainly just to...
Step 1:With the DLC installed, start up your game ofFallout 4. Step 2:So long as you're level 30, open your Pip-Boy'sRadiotab and find the "Nuka-Cola Family Radio" option and select it. Related How to get and use Scouts in Assassin’s Creed Shadows ...
Namely opening of pre-war crates you find in towns as an adventurer, spore plants, concrete factory and stuff like that.Next we'll see what gets more votes. I personally want to rework geology. I will most likely remove some rare or unusual rock types and add more interesting stuff like...
There are several companions to be found and recruited around the Commonwealth. Some will join you because of shared interests, some because you saved their lives, some because you paid them to. In addition to having an extra gun in a fight (or pair of jaws, or hammer made of concrete)...
concrete, and electronics, we can start building more houses or fortifications. Entertainment is moderately profitable in terms of experience points and at times it may even seem secondary, and acquiring the necessary elements takes a lot of time, but when I was already starting to build a "pla...