19. Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop A small expansion released after Far Harbour, Vault-Tec Workshop takes place during the campaign and sees the Sole Survivor take on the task of building their very own vault. After liberating Vault 88 from raiders, the Sole Survivor meets an overseer trapp...
89.Perhaps Fallout’s most impressive creature, though, is this grotesque redesign of the Gulper, a mutant salamander first seen in Fallout 4’s Far Harbour DLC. 90.Fallout is no stranger to a bit of weird science, and in the finale we’re introduced to a Vault-Tec employee’s talking ...
[22] LR_LoneWandererFarHarbour.esp [23] LR_LoneWandererNukaWorld.esp [24] InsideJobs.esp [25] MK18.esp [26] WattzLaserGun.esp [27] M1Garand.esp [28] BH_MCX_Spear.esp [29] JK_IonCannon.esp [2A] MWIIM4.esp [2B] MWIIChimera.esp [2C] RU556.esp [2D] M2Agency.esp [2E] PBW...
I also found on the web, that Fallout 4 has a 5th hidden finish, that allows all the factions (but the institute) to survive. I think when I'm motivated, I'll go back to an early saved game and see if I can accomplish this, but for now, I think I'll move on to Far Harbor...
https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14650/ - Survival Options (Enable Fast Travel, Disable Sleep & Adrenaline) https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/333/ - Realistic Survival Damage Requirements: Due to the changes made in DLC items; Automatron, Nuka World, and Far Harbour are requir...
Fallout 4 is a big game, but adding more is even better. With the season pass, you unlock 2 new placer: Far Harbor and Nuka World; also, get a new quest line and mechanics for the base game and map like build a robot companion. Honestly, the season pass is really worthy to expand...
Far Harbour perks:Crusader of Atom/Inquisitor of Atom- Damage bonus when irradiated now only affects melee/unarmed/bashing attacks.- Damage bonus per 100 rads reduced from +10% to +5%, for a max of +45% at >900 rads.Destroyer of Acadia...
That's true, especially whit Far Harbour DLC, the settlement building is disconnected from minute man story line. Encouages it's emptiness. But that DLC had great atmosphere. The most irriatating thing with the engine is the LONG load times between indoor & outdoor spaces. No matter what ...
But we also have 5 'hub' worlds - think Diamond City, but larger. If you were to combine all of those, they are roughly the size of Far Harbour. So, Fallout: London in its entirety is about the size of the Commonwealth and Far Harbour combined....
Secondly the app stores the game map separately from Fallout 4 meaning maps used in mods and the far harbour dlc do not work inside the pip boy app. Thirdly the app has to be manually enabled from inside the game. Witch is rather annoying. Finally please allow multiple apps to connect to...