虽然狗肉(Dogmeat)理论上来说算一个队友,但玩家和它一起行动时,独行侠的perk依然有效。 狗肉(Dogmeat)是唯一一个必须在perk列表中解锁它的perk的队友。在玩家重建聚落时,可以为狗肉(Dogmeat)建一个栖身的狗窝。如果解散狗肉(Dogmeat),指定它去那个聚落,它会待在某个狗窝的里面或附近。在战斗中,如果狗肉(Dogmeat)倒...
Dogmeat_clickedPreMolerat 000C9B0E — WorkshopRatingPopulationSynths 000CFF76 — DMP_ReleaseHoldPosition 000D97F3 — TerminalVariable01 000DCE0F — FollowerForceGreetOn 000E1D04 — MQ203HideMe 000E2B07 — DN049_InRelevantStore 000E5259 — HoldupAV 000E7726 — DN049_Bake_Counte...
Dogmeat Dogmeat.txt 0001D15C 0001D162 Red Rocket truck stop Dreth REMerchant02.txt 0003D638 0003D639 The Commonwealth Father Gabe 0022B295 0022B294 Union's Hope Cathedral Fred RECampLC01Fred01.txt 001905EF - The Commonwealth Fred O'Connell RESceneJSDN077Merchant.txt 00047649 000E927C...
进入后,通道尽头有个需要ID卡打开的铁门,无法打开;东边有个大师级门锁的铁门,若玩家级别不够,可从通道往西穿过墙壁破洞,进入发电机室,里面有一个变种人刽子手;向西打开门进入另一房间,再向南进入两个变种人把守的牢笼房间;牢笼房间东边,就是奶油小马(Giddyup Buttercup)仓库,货架上有各种奶油下马的零部件;仓库天花...
(Canned dog food);床垫上有个名叫伊凡·欧杜(Evan O'Dood)的男性死尸,死尸边有个名叫凯特(Kate)、凯尔(Kyle)的攻击犬(Attack dog)和名叫艾莉莎(Alissa)的野生混种狗(Mongrel),凯特(Kate)、艾莉莎(Alissa)的身上都有狗盔甲、电焊目镜(Welding Goggles)和头巾(Bandana),想给伴侣狗肉(Dogmeat)装备盔甲的话,...
本攻略由隐子草(Yinzicao)201406独家撰写随机事件(Random Event)是指在玩家身边随机遭遇(Random Encounters)触发的场景事件,虽是随机触发,但触发地点并不随机,也就是说玩家若没在能刷随机事件的地点,是不可能遭遇到随机事件的;而且不同种类的随机事件,其触发的地点也不相同,比如玩家若想买狗,必须遇到卖狗的随机NPC...
Currently going after Kellogg and then I think I'll have to ponder whether I keep Dogmeat as company or switch to Piper or Valentine. Valentine seems to be helpful storylinewise but I dunno... also I'd kind of like to stick with Dogmeat. I've played about 26 hrs, taken my time. ...
Though I think Dogmeat was the one that set off the trap before they could disarm it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiGwmiDf0XY So maybe try clicking the red button on the HUD to open up the skill window and try manually selecting the Disarm Trap skill. The number keys also ...
Dogmeat[] Considering that there's been a recruitable dogmeat in all of the main fallout games before, there will probably be one in New Vegas right? or atleast some type of recruitable dog. Say it with me. S-p-e-c-u-l-a-t-i-o-n doesn't belong in the articles! Yaaaay. Nitty...