Find by using console command: help (name of NPC) 4, e.g. help Preston 4 if you wanted Preston Garvey's Base ID (for research purposes of course). And finally, if you just want the NPC to disappear, the console command: disable....
Turns off the collision detection. This means you can walk through walls, or even defy gravity. Type the command into the console again to turn it off. Set Player Level player.setlevel <#> If you want to bypass the levelling system of Fallout 4, just use this command to set your charac...
For example, if the NPC had a reference ID of ff0084953, the following command would reset that NPCs health: ff0084953.resethealth God Mode Command To enable god mode in Fallout 4, first press ~ (tilde), ' (apostrophe) or ` (grave) on your keyboard to open the console. Then, with...
There are a *lot* of nuke flashes in FO4, it seems, (perhaps because of the much-increased activity of random NPC groups over the previous games) but many of them are Super Mutants. If you haven't yet had the joy of meeting the Suiciders, you will. ...
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare is a Fallout-themed miniatures wargame from Modiphius Entertainment. It was released on August 14, 2018, after being announced on April 25, 2017. The game uses 32mm miniatures and can be played in a variety of ways including so
This can be resolved by using the console commandtargetID.moveto playerto teleport the NPC in question. The Warwick homestead example can be resolved by building stairs into the cistern and abelloutside of it. Using the bell and waiting for an in-game hour (using the Wait option) will cau...
Opening up the command console to type in your cheats is just a single keystroke away. While in the game (not paused), hit the~key located below your escape key. This will remove your HUD and bring up the prompt to type in any of the below cheats. ...
To unearth and detail every aspect ofFallout 4's graphics technology, we've invested over a hundred hours testing every single game setting, config file tweak, and console command to reveal their impact on image quality and their relative performance cost. Every setting and tweak of note is fu...
Fallout New Vegas NPC Commands For almost all NPC commands, the NPC must be targeted before typing the command. Issuing a command without a target will simply result in nothing. Set Target prid <ref_id> The same as left-clicking on a target, but useful if you cannot see the target. Mos...
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