Sometimes during Spoils of War, when leaving to enter the quest specific vertibird, it randomly detaches itself from the docking station and flies away, leaving no vertibird to enter and the player gets stuck on the quest. This bug can be fixed by either reloading a previous save or fast ...
Note: This causes randomly generated NPCs and random encounter NPCs (like a patrolling minuteman, raiders attacking a settlement, or a named traveling trader) to vanish completely from the area. This can be used without a "resurrect" command. If used on the player, it will reset all effects...
TAB goes back or closes any menu. Scale scroll speed in menus while Shift is held (optional). Navigate the Map Menu by holding alt and using WASD and zoom in and out with W/S if alt isn't heldMenu Search - add Ctrl-F to search in PipBoy, Container, Barter, Recipe, Levelup ...
If your Fallout 3 randomly closes itself without any error message or crashes on START, this guide is written for you.
Don't you know better than to climb into a refrigerator? Those things can be death traps!" Hovering alien ship Yes, clearly hovering! Also known asHovering Anomoly. As one closes in on the area just north of theHorowitz farmstead, what looks like a mercenary camp from a distance turns in...