Using chems or alcohol can provide powerful temporary boosts, but can also lead to addiction. When addicted, you have to consistently take the chem or alcohol - failing to do so will inflict a severe stat penalty. Popular with beatniks and intellectuals before the Great War, Daddy-O raises ...
Using these commands to ignore the budgets could have consequences.(the first time you use it nothing might happen but as soon as you leave the settlement area you will not be able to access the area again and the game crashes every time you try to get close to your settlement or even ...
{I know you saved the world, but it's us minor NPCs that have to deal with the consequences.}"''''"{298}{}{You should play the game again as a drug-based character. Really! Take the Chem Reliant Trait! I LOVE that one.}"''''"{304}{}{Once you delete this game from your h...