(OPTIONAL) Raw Input | Disabled Mouse Acceleration, Horizontal/Vertical Parity, Scalable ADS Multiplier, Normalized SensitivityInstallation: Install it with your mod manager, load order is irrelevant. This mod is unnecessary if using a controller / gamepad only.(OPTIONAL) Power Grid Tools | You...
fAccelerationGain 1.0000 1.0000 Unknown. fCameraDist 1000.0000 1000.0000 Unknown. fDesiredVel 15.0000 15.0000 Unknown. Not part of the default file. fDetectionUpdateTimeSec 5.0000 5.0000 Unknown. Not part of the default file. fHierarchyGain 0.1700 0.1700 Unknown. fImpulseLimit 1500.0000 1500...
RAW INPUT - Fixes mouse input by disabling acceleration and enabling constant sensitivity. DEF_UI - Allows you to turn off many spoon-feeding HUD elements such as the sneak indicator, hitmarkers, enemy locations in compass and much more. COMPATIBILITY This mod was designed to be as compatible ...
fForegroundMouseMult=4.0– Mouse acceleration (increasing value will increase mouse speed and vice verse). (Fallout_default.ini) fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0– Removes Mouse trails.(Fallout_default.ini) fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0– (Fallout_default.ini) ...
Menu Key Repeat Acceleration - scroll faster after holding the key for some timeMore Detailed Stats Menu - show the value modifier amount in the (+) and (-) for skills/SPECIAL, and show them above their min/maxMore Precise Rad Meter - show decimal places in the radiation meter...
fCameraDist=1000.0 fHierarchyGain=0.17 fVelocityDamping=0.0 fAccelerationGain=1.0 fVelocityGain=0.6 fPositionGain=0.05 fPositionMaxLinearVelocity=14.0 fPositionMaxAngularVelocity=18.0 fSnapGain=0.1 fSnapMaxLinearVelocity=3.0 fSnapMaxAngularVelocity=0.3 fSnapMaxLinearDistance=0.3 fSnapMax...
Open both Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini In the [Controls] section of both files, add this line: bMouseAcceleration=0 Open Fallout4.ini In the [Controls] section, find fMouseHeadingXScale On the next line, make fMouseHeadingYScale 2x the amount of fMouseHeadingXScale For mine the XScale...
fCameraDist=1000.0 ; 镜头距离?未测试.默认 1000 fHierarchyGain=0.17 ; 层级增进.未测试.默认 0.17 fVelocityDamping=0.0 ; 速率阻尼.大概是镜头移动和推/拉后,景物再跟进和自动回中.数值为整数.未测试.默认 0.0 fAccelerationGain=0.8 ; 加速度.鼠标移动越快镜头移动越远.默认 1.0 ...
Mouse acceleration•Link Disable mouse acceleration in menus[18] Edit%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\Fallout.ini Find the section:[Controls] Add these lines: fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0 fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0 fForegroundMouseBase=0 fForegroundMouseMult=0 ...