Fire Support is a Brotherhood of Steel main quest in Fallout 4. While traveling near Lexington and College Square (or just south of the Corvega assembly plant if heading southeast from Concord), the Sole Survivor's Pip-Boy will pick up a military radio b
Sanctuary is a side quest and an achievement/trophy in Fallout 4. 在自由钟声响起期间返回庇护山丘时,普雷斯敦·加维将建议独自幸存者与司特吉谈论改善定居点。司特吉将委托幸存者制作五张床。可以使用工作坊在庇护山丘的任何地方制作床。…
Go back to captain Kells Now all that is left is returning to captain Kells. Use the elevator to reach the surface faster. Move to Prydwen and talk to Kells. You will receive 100 bottlecaps from him. Quest rewards: Experience points, 100 bottlecaps. Fallout 4 November 10, 2015 Rate It...
Portal:Fallout 4 3 輔助能力 4 银衣怪客(任务) 5 迪耿可能会在完成后卡在行走模式,导致他经常在探索时落在后面。 Another possible fix (only tested on PS4) is to draw your weapon to cause him to draw his and start running. 在火箭赤光任务中,迪耿可能会在离开飞鸟时面朝下卡在地面上。解散狄肯能...
Published:June 4, 2015byAngelo M. D'Argenio Now that Fallout 4 has been announced, it’s time to start thinking about what this new entry in the […] Fallout 4ListsPC Fallout Shelter Cheats & Cheat Codes for iOS, Android, and More ...
最后,控制台输入Completequest DLC03MQ04,结束任务。 港湾惊魂-主线任务:最好别想起来③[提取迪玛记忆2] 在走廊里有道防火墙,首先往左边跳下去,将阻挡光线的代码块拿开,这样光线会沿着墙上的线路传导到另一边。 跳到上面,将阻挡的代码块全部移开。将解码中继站摆放到如图的位置,再将墙上的障碍移开,这样走廊上的...
There was gonna be a quest where you could become an honorary Viper and go through their pit of serpents and gain the Snakeater perk for free. Sadly, we just didn't have time to actually build the map.”— Jess Heinig“My original plan for the Vipers (but I didn't have time to ...
When you get a new quest, it will not become active unless you have no other active quests. Check the Quests section in your Pip-Boy to see which quests are active. If you have too many quest targets, check the Quests section of your Pip-Boy to see if you have more than one active...
This can trigger nicely additional times off stuff that causes attacking to trigger more or more combats, which lets you really leverage the ability and get the number of quest counters up really rapidly to dangerous levels. Marcy: Oh, Boone. I don’t make it very hidden that I tend to ...
If you're here for information on which order to play these mods, scroll down to the second-to-last green underlined topic: "Thuggyverse mods: Which order should I play them?".There are 7 quests in Project Valkyrie's main story, weaving into the Fallout 4 main quest, which in ...