2. In the room, there is a terminal (novice level), which holds information about prisoners. In the cell that is secured with a lock (novice level), there are some meds.3. In the locked room (novice level), there are some building materials and a safe (advanced level). Inside - ...
Removes negative affinity effects from gameplay, as well as a few other options available. And has the option to remove affinity cooldown timers, as well as a few other options for that as well. 58KB 47.4k 1.6M Faster Terminal Displays ...
Charleston was the capitol of West Virginia and one of the largest cities in the area. Prior to the Great War, it was a hotbed of political dissent and saw countless protests for workers' rights.Fallout 76 loading screen Charleston was the pre-War capita
用避难所科技居民管理系统(Vault-Tec Population Management System)终端机(Terminal)追踪同伴时,哔哔小子的任务栏会蹦出“监督者的头号通缉犯(Overseer's Most Wanted)”的任务,这其实不是要完成的任务,而是用来锁定要追踪同伴的位置的;在终端机(Terminal)关闭追踪同伴后,该“监督者的头号通缉犯(Overseer's Most ...
随后,任务提示“清理大西洋办公室的英克雷士兵(Clear the Atlantic Offices Building of Enclave Soldiers)”。根据任务,玩家一旦穿过位于大楼东侧的入口,就会触发封锁;随即,任务提示“结束封锁(End the Lockdown)”,解除封锁,需要操作大西洋办公室终端机(Atlantic Offices terminal),而终端机需要《英克雷终端机密码(Enclav...
1辐射4 2Fallout 4地圖 3Fallout 4地点 學院Fallout中文維基 盲目的背叛Fallout中文維基 凱伯宅邸的秘密Fallout中文維基 大學角Fallout中文維基 鑽石城藍調Fallout中文維基 ORB-01 AkatsukiGUNDAM 維基 社区中心:字詞轉換/模式選擇社区中心 Help:討論板防濫用過濾器社区中心...
↑Institute Advanced Systems terminal entries; terminal, Research Proposals ↑The Lone Wanderer:"What was my father like back then?" Doctor Li:"James? He was very driven. Determined to change the world. Well, we all were back then, I suppose. When she died, I think... I think he gave...
康斯坦丁要塞i是Capital Wasteland 西北部一個相當大的哨點和ICBM(洲際導彈發射基地)在通訊衛星陣列 NW-05a 和 通訊衛星陣列 NN-03d中間。里外都由保安機器人,大膽先生,腦控機器人 和 保護機器人來把守。 地區里有三個建築 西北部的CO Quarters小屋, 西邊的員工辦公室
You can also use this terminal to produce a Synth Preston companion and to provide a happier way to resolve the vanilla quest arc addressing Danse's true identity.- Sky Lighting: To prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder in its residents, the Reformed Institute has manufactured a sky simulation ...
↑DLC02testText terminal entries; Chinese terminal, Decrypted/Transcribed Volume 99x17x320 Expand v·d·e Fallout 3locations Expand v·d·e Expand v·d·e Brotherhood of Steel Community content is available underCC-BY-SAunless otherwise noted....