No AWKCR and AE For Mods File Dump - 使一些需要AWKCR跟AE的mod不再需要這兩個臃腫的東東 Bullet Counted Reload System (BCR) - 某些槍械模組的框架 M8r...
[Overhauls] Lunar Fallout All in One Overhaul Spoiler: ShowENHANCEMENT Spoiler: ShowPERSONAL PATCHES Spoiler: ShowSORTING Spoiler: ShowMODLIST Spoiler: Showrongeurdos member 1 kudos 29 May 2020, 6:09PM Well, well, well. This is my last...
One of the highest ranked Skyrim mods comes to Fallout 4 with even more features than ever! True Storms: Wasteland Edition is a complete overhaul to the storm systems in Fallout 4. Heavy rains, dust storms, radiation rains. New unique weathers, sound effects, particle effects, textures and ...
4. Vault 101 Revisited Check Out This Mod It took a long time, but Vault 101 finally opened its door and established contact with the outside world. But did this influence the life of its dwellers? Time to find out. Vault 101 Revisited is among the best Fallout 3 quest mods ever mad...
om je eigen robotmetgezellen te bouwen en te modificeren. Kies de ledematen, het pantser, vaardigheden, wapens, kleurstelling en zelfs stem van je robot, met keuze uit honderden mogelijke mods. (Vereist de basisgame Fallout 4. Bestemd voor Fallout 4-personages van niveau 15 of hoger....
Were working on getting current and accurate heat risk information. Still won't assign in settlements, but not breaking anything (that I know of) either. A lot of mods will do something simple like move a tree out of the way, clean up some debris around an area where a new container ...
Open Fallout4.ini In the [Controls] section, find fMouseHeadingXScale On the next line, make fMouseHeadingYScale 2x the amount of fMouseHeadingXScale For mine the XScale was at 0.21 so set YScale to 0.42 Completely fixes the feeling of the mouse movement. Here is my list of mods. View at...
(Vereist de basisgame Fallout 4. Bestemd voor Fallout 4-personages van niveau 15 of hoger.) Platform: PS4, PS5 Release: 25-4-2024 Uitgever: Bethesda Genres: RPG's Het downloaden van dit product is onderhevig aan de Servicevoorwaarden van PlayStation Network en onze Gebruiksvoorwaarden voo...
4.Vehicles and/or mounts: Wouldn't you like to fast travel on your own motorcycle, or ride into battle on a trained deathclaw? So would I! Sadly, you won't be able to do either, at least not without mods. 3.Ch!ld killing: Fans have strong (and mixed) opinions on this; some wa...
Mart's Mutant Mod - one of the best Fallout 3 mods. Enhances all mutants and adds a couple of new ones, including the Floaters from the classic Fallout games. Download it from here. Space Station 101 - This mod is perfect! You're the commander of an alien ship orbiting Earth. ...