To create the ice cold variants of certain beverages, they must be placed in Buddy for 12 in-game hours. In the add-on Nuka-World, the player can craft different Nuka-Cola recipes using Nuka-mixer stations. When drinking alcoholic consumables such as beer and wine, there's a chance the...
波士顿市中心区-滨水区(Boston Harbor)滨水区(Boston Harbor),又名海港区(Seaport District)、创新区,早在1887年,波士顿港(Boston Harbor)就曾是集装箱船的集散地,历史悠久。波士顿港(Boston Harbor)拥有20世纪的海关大楼(Custom House Tower)和1787年建立的三叶草酒馆(The Shamrock Taphouse),现在是泥沼蟹(Mirelurk...
Plan: Meat Week souvenir beer stein Plan: Wendigo colossus heads Plan: Wendigo colossus plushie Plan: Wendigo colossus skin rug Plan: Protective lining Secret Service underarmor Plan: Resistant lining Secret Service underarmor Plan: Secret Service pocketed armor limb Plan: Secret Service deep pocketed...
Finally! A reason to collect and use Nuka-Cola mix recipes comes to Fallout 4! All the glowing varieties of Nuka Cola and mixers made brighter ready to use as lanterns, spinning table top lamps and de
1. Brewer’s Beer Bootlegging: In the basement of the shack, on the table with the chemistry equipment. 2. Camp Forlorn Hope: Inside Major Polati’s tent, on the desk in the far right corner. 3. Nipton: On the mayor’s desk, on the top floor of the town hall. 4. REPCONN Headqu...
Jerry Rigged Beer Cooler: at least two cases in there.. The Incinerator: turn useless junk into Energy Cells with the power plant's incinerator! Multiple Workbenches Sick Bay! "Local Color" NPC's..a crusty bunch, but they'll repair anything for the right price. ...
You could always grab a trusted buddy to help you out with this... I mean, if you can trust anyone to be quiet about the network. Said when the player has accepted the quest but hasn't finished it. 127 0059FABA I sent you the location for the cryptid monitor... or what's left...
Note: These are the rewards: Plastic Nukashine Beer Hat, Cask Nukashine Keg, Short Pony Nukashine Keg, Tall Pony Nukashine Keg, Half Barrel Nukashine Keg, Nukashine Wallpaper, and the Nukashine Player Icon. Legacy content 005A4D5A Nukashine Player Icon May cause blackouts, severe hangover...