B8 Nellis Air Force Base 奈利斯空军基地 13 4 大炮帮 B9 Nellis Hangars 奈利斯机库 13 2 大炮帮 C1 Miguel's Pawn Shop 米格尔的当铺 9 4 -- C2 Westside West Entrance 西区西入口 8 4 -- C3 Westside South Entrance 西区南入口 9 5 -- C4 The Thorn 棘刺城 9 5 -- ...
1 居礼 2 Portal:Fallout 4 3 Fallout 4地点 4 银衣怪客(任务) 5 缺少数据 本文或节中的模板缺少某些数据。你可以通过填写来帮助核子百科. These are different types of actor factions which are used in the game for technical purposes and to enable complex functionality during combat encounters. Most ...
base id:00002f1e,ref id:00002f1f。 居里(Curie) 描述:居里(Curie)是拥有法国口音的管家机器人女士,她成为了波斯顿废土的自由科学家。她的智商非常的高而且对中段距离的战斗也很擅长。 初始地点:81号避难所(Vault 81),做"巨墙上的洞(Hole in the Wall)"支线任务时,对话中选择你是避难所安保(Vault-Tec)。
在Fallout 4,獨存者能在聯邦的眾多地方建造並管理自己的聚落。玩家能用新的工作檯界面放置和連接尚未組裝的結購物和單獨物件(牆壁、地板、屋頂之類),以依照自己想要的方式建造自己的家。 這些聚落蓋好後就能大幅度客製化。你可以在建築和結構物裡面把家具、裝飾和燈光擺
Make the Commonwealth your new home with a detailed base-building system in Fallout 4. Want to get a free key to play Fallout 4? Our team regularly selects the best game reviews and rewards that user with a free key. Share your feedback in the review tab for a chance to win! What ...
它让我恶心’……系统语音:‘附加的附加位置数据。坐标到关闭开关命令代码(Kill Switch Command Code)和风力发电厂维护处大楼(Wind farm maintenance Building)’。” 港湾惊魂-主线任务:最好别想起来③[提取迪玛记忆4] 关卡开始的位置,前方和左边各有一道防火墙,右边可找到一个编码中继站。先将中继站摆放好,解除...
Last but not least, Fallout 4 is playable on the Steam Deck, meaning your journey through the wasteland never has to end! *This game will redeem as Fallout 4 in your Steam library, however it will deliver the base game + DLC's
Locations Behind the scenes The .303 round was adopted by British forces in the late 1880s, originally as a black-powder cartridge. This round remained the British Army's primary rifle cartridge until the mid-1950s, when it was phased out in favor of the NATO standard 7.62x51mm round....
↑ The History of Bethesda Game Studios - Nathan Purkeypile: "That was designed to be that way from the start, like, that was the very first thing I worked on on Fallout 4, was starting out building Fenway. From the beginning, we knew we wanted, like, those stadium lights and... we...
辐射4 Fallout 4的评论。玩家同伴与 非同伴的NPC被玩家带为同伴的方法 本攻略由隐子草(Yinzicao)20145独家撰写 一、玩家随从同伴介绍 招募的同伴,可随时将其解散并遣派至任何一据点。但解散同伴时,若要让解散的同伴回到其原来的住所,...