住着一个名叫斯林(Slim,Ref id: 0015DCE1)的尸鬼(Ghoul)药商,其营地附近有三个铁路组织的“盟友”标志;营地有化学工作台(Chemistry Station)、武器工作台(Weapons Workbench)和动力甲工作台(Power Armor Station),还有睡袋供休息,露营袋、弹药箱和两瓶食用油可搜刮物资,但工具箱是红色的...
远港镇(Far Harbor)西南端大门的右边,住着造船工水手(The Mariner),她原本是港口的主人,平日她负责维护小镇的防御设施,她住在小镇西南端大门的右边,屋外有动力甲工作台(Power Armor Station);虽然最初对入侵她的住所和生活方式感到愤慨,但随着岁月的流逝,水手(The Mariner)越来越致力于保护和统一远港居民;她说,她...
Collect, upgrade and build thousands of items with Fallout 4's crafting system. Weapons, armor, food and with the right materials, even entire settlements are possible. Welcome home.If you already own the PS4® version of this game, you can get the PS5® digital version at no extra ...
沿城墙上的小道往南走,就来到可乐王城堡塔(King Cola's Castle Tower),里面是奥斯瓦德(Oswald)的女友瑞秋·瓦特金斯(Rachel Watkins)的避难所,里面有护甲工作台(armor workbench)、化学工作台(chemistry station)、烹饪工作台(cooking
Desde um soldado equipado com uma Power Armor ou um falinhas-mansas carismático, podes ser quem quiseres com o sistema de criação de personagem S.P.E.C.I.A.L. e desenvolver o teu próprio estilo de jogo. Participa em combates emocionantes na primeira ou terceira pessoa com o si...
USAF Satellite Station Olivia, right before going down the bunker. Red Rocket between theDiamond Cityjunkyard andNH&M Freight Depot. On top of the Red Rocket inNahant, accessible by the blue truck some feet to the east. Certain sound effects can get "stuck" to companions and continue to pla...
海关大楼(Custom House Tower)的西边,在一个很隐密的巷子裡,巷子口有铁路组织存储物资的记号,这里是铁路藏身处(Railroad Hideout);巷子里的楼顶住着名叫欧泊(Opal)的女商人,楼顶住处有武器工作台(Weapons Workbench)、护甲工作台(Armor Workbench);楼下有库房,库房入口有绊索保护,其是与铁路组织友好的女商人,其...
In Fallout 4, armor can be modified using junk components. Anyone can create new base-level modifications, remove any existing modifications from armor and apply any player character-owned modifications to armor. The Armorer perk is required for creating
A F4SE plugin that allows you to disable the hardcoded, vision-obscuring shader effect at various workbenches so you can actually see what you're crafting.Also allows you to change the shader effect for the Power Armor station and robot workbenches to a outline-only shader instead of a full...
parts. You can even modify a certain robotic butler into a cybernetic monstrosity equipped with guns, tough armor and still retaining the dorky personality you already know. Customise your Codsworth to your heart's content and build some robo-buddies with a brand new robot manufacturing station....