Finally, the undisputed best Power Armor inFallout 4is the X-01. As long as you’re level 28 or higher, you are worthy of piloting this hulking monster. As an endgame-level set of armor, the stats don’t disappoint. You will have 1,220 damage resistance, 790 energy resistance, and ...
沿城墙上的小道往南走,就来到可乐王城堡塔(King Cola's Castle Tower),里面是奥斯瓦德(Oswald)的女友瑞秋·瓦特金斯(Rachel Watkins)的避难所,里面有护甲工作台(armor workbench)、化学工作台(chemistry station)、烹饪工作台(cooking
进入动力装甲(Power Armor)、协助学院(The Institute)的科学家、黑入电脑终端、改造装甲、改造武器、说服并获得更多的瓶盖、选择威胁的对话选项等行为,可刷好感度。 能否发生浪漫关系:不可恋爱 特殊Perk:护盾协调(Shield Harmonics),受到的能量伤害减少20%(需求:与X6-88好感度达到最高)。base id:000bbee6,ref id:...
The Glock 86 plasma pistol, also known as the Plasma Defender, is an energy weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. 詳見電漿手槍頁面。 The Plasma Defender is a powerful energy-based pistol which fires superheated bolts of green plasma. It is able to punch through
With Fallout 4 Contraptions, use conveyer belts, scaffolding kits, track kits, even logic gates to construct crazy and complex gadgets to improve your Wasteland settlements. The Contraptions Workshop also includes all-new features like elevators, greenhouse kits, warehouse kits, fireworks, armor ...
战后,海神能源发电站被一伙掠夺者(Raiders)占据,掠夺者(Raiders)头领是女性的锐利(Cutty),一身的动力装甲(Power Armor)。但掠夺者(Raiders)占据这里后并不安全,这里底层的泥沼蟹(Mirelurk)让锐利(Cutty)等掠夺者(Raiders)头疼不已,泥沼蟹(Mirelurk)还触响了发电站里面的警报安全系统,因此,克提不得不警告部下,一定...
This one reveals information about a shipment of pre-war armor that was on its way to Marines at the base when the bombs fell, and the coordinates get marked on your Pip-Boy. With the conclusion of the last memory, you'll back out of the terminal and find yourself back in The ...
Power Armor Creating settlements Appendix Walkthrough Introduction List of all quests Maps Main story Factions Minutemen faction quests Brotherhood of Steel faction quests Railroad faction quests Institute faction quests Side quests World Atlas Introduction World map - sectors Enemy levels map...
-Armorer: description changed to note requirements for some settlement crafting-Life Giver: now offers increased healing from purified water instead of increasing max health-Scrounger: now rewards more ammo, but much less frequently. More ammo types (including DLC 7.62 and 45-70). 4th rank ...
“It was actually funny to listen to them walk around”: Fallout Extra Reveals a Secret About the Show’s Power Armor You Can See for Yourself in Season 2 There’s no denying the fact that the Fallout TV series was a massive hit for Bethesda and Microsoft. The show debuted back in Apr...