Fallout 4 is always a great place to revisit. Here are our favorite places on Fallout 4's map, in no particular order. The Rocket Shed There are bigger and more important locations in Fallout 4—and I'll get to them in a minute!—but I'm going to start with a simple yet great on...
Interactive map of Fallout 4 locations. Over 800 locations including Vaults, Bobbleheads, Perk Magazines, quests and more! Sign in to track your progress.
Key points of Fallout 4 - Sector 1: Sanctuary Locations on the map Locations on the map 1 - Vault 111– You start your first main quest (Out of Time) in this location and its objective is to leave the vault. You can return to Vault 111 later in the game and use this opportunity ...
All Perks In Fallout 4, you can add perks with the player.addperk command. Select a perk below and then apply the generated command in-game to give yourself a perk. Change player.addperk to player.removeperk if you want to remove a perk from your character instead. Select a Perk Se...
Turns off the collision detection. This means you can walk through walls, or even defy gravity. Type the command into the console again to turn it off. Set Player Level player.setlevel <#> If you want to bypass the levelling system of Fallout 4, just use this command to set your charac...
Layout Part of East Boston Sections Main DeckCommand DeckQuarters Maps World map Local map “People of the Commonwealth. Do not interfere. Our intentions are peaceful. We are the Brotherhood of Steel.”— The Prydwen arriving in the Commonwealth...
Office main floor map, with hidden sentry bot rooms Reception "Second Chance" “ Welcome to REPCONN Headquarters, Rocketeer! Come all this way to see our little facility, have you? ”— Tour guide 瑞普康总部是位于内华达州的专业火箭制造商瑞普康航天的公司总部 目录 1 Background 2 布局 2.1...
#3 Pip FallFort HagenCommand Center - adjacent to Kellogg’s Terminal under a table, in the chamber where you speak with Kellogg. (may respawn)Unlocks Pip Fall Pip-Boy game. #4 Red MenaceVault 111Inside the cafeteria terminal, northeast area. Only the holotape is available, not the magazi...
So for this particular reason, I use and abuse the console command to get all the ressources I need because I don't want to waste my free time at collecting stuff in a videogame. Just call the console and get some shipments of ressources (better than getting the "raw" material) like...
To unearth and detail every aspect ofFallout 4's graphics technology, we've invested over a hundred hours testing every single game setting, config file tweak, and console command to reveal their impact on image quality and their relative performance cost. Every setting and tweak of note is fu...