Removes the ugly blur that appears when you aim down your weapon sights. 0KB 180 11.6k London Fog and Mist Remover Visuals Uploaded: 27 Jul 2024 Last Update: 30 Jul 2024 Author: GoArray Uploader: GoArray Eliminate interior FOG, remove (almost) all "Mist" and/or craft the "BIMO ...
With the fastest aim down sights speed and little to no obfuscation it makes for a deadly attachment for any combat situation.Extras:Suppressor: For stealth situations will provide less chance to be detected when firing the weapon.Foregrip: For maximum stability gives the user best accuracy when...
Gun-wise, I'm all about the ones that do 2X damage for critical hits or the ones that fire 2 bullets. I have an assault rifle that goes into slo-mo for 3 seconds every time I aim down the sights. That's another big winner considering it hits like a truck, holds tons of ammo, ...
Scopes include Combat Sights (see my other mod, See-Through-Scopes) Translations German Translation by CreatorX Installation: Nexus Mod Manager –Download the main file, and let NMM install the mod. –During the installation-progress: pick the options you like the most ...
Weight (): Weight value of the weapon that applies to encumbrance. Weapon weight also increases the amount of time it takes for you to ADS (aim down sights) or "scope." This is explained in a loading screen tool-tip Unique weapon entries are shaded. Ballistic weaponsPistols...
Similar to the laser sights mod, this bayonette can fit onto any rifle-grip firearm, or energy weapon. It can be coated with poisons. For combat purposes, when slashing or thrusting with this blade, it acts as a two handed melee weapon. Melee Damage +6, Bayonette Range: 1, Weapon ...
避難所科技輔助瞄準系統(英文名:Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System,简写V.A.T.S.),是 Fallout 3、Fallout: 新維加斯、Fallout 4和Fallout 76中的遊戲特色,靈感來自Fallout與Fallout 2的回合制戰鬥中射擊特定部位的能力。也能提供類似時間暫停或子彈時間的視覺動態
This page is a list of loading screen hints and slides found in Fallout 4. They show snippets of the general information that is found in the stats section under the general tab on the player character's Pip-Boy 3000, along with information regarding the
True Iron Sights This feature allows you to determine the way in which you aim your weapon when looking down the sights (right mouse button by default). If set to On, you will use the actual iron sights of each weapon to aim, which vary in terms of ease of use and accuracy; if set...
“EVE v1.17” file and not any of the other ones. Select “Yes to all” to overwrite the conflict with YUP (Unofficial Patch). Also, make sure “True Iron Sights” is set to ON in the game’s settings, otherwise you’ll end up having two target reticles when you aim your weapon....