The DKS-501 (the sniper rifle from Fallout 3) seems like either an original creation or a heavily modified version based on so many multiple different weapons (just like the 10mm pistol) that it became unrecognizable (to the point not even the IMFDB people can pinpoint which real-life snipe...
The N99 10mm Pistol is a firearm found in Fallout 3. The pistol uses 10mm ammo, commonly found in Washington, DC and the surrounding Capital Wasteland. It is similar to the Colt 6520, which is more common on the West Coast. It is also the first powerful gun given to you in the ...
Small, dependable, reasonably powerful and widely available, the 10mm Pistol has been a staple of Wasteland combat since the bombs first fell. Laser rifles and pistols deal powerful energy damage, and can completely disintegrate defeated foes. Plasma rifles and pistols deal even more energy damage...
5.9 Super-Mutant Specific Equipment 5.9.1 Mutant Lever-Action Pistol 5.9.2 Mutant Over-Sized Spiked Knuckles 5.9.3 Jury-Rigged Scattergun 5.9.4 Master Blaster Tri-Beam Rifle 5.9.5 Stop Sign Buckler 5.9.6 Car Door Shield 5.9.7 OverLord Tower Shield 5.9.8 Shopping Cart Back-Pack...
10mm SMG Assault rifle Laser pistol Super sledge Ripper Laser rifle Missile launcher Flamer Minigun Gatling laser Frag grenades Frag mines Power fistIn addition to having human members, the Outcasts make extensive use of Protectrons, sentry bots and Robobrains to round-out their small numbers. ...
- Rank 4 no longer has a chance to cause your enemies to literally go to pieces at the mere sight of their allies somehow exploding when shot in the toe with a pistol bullet.- Unchanged: Enemies sometimes exploding when gently nudged. (As much as I'd like to remove this effect, it'...
The show actually features two different designs of the 10mm pistol as it appears in two different games.The pistol from the originalFalloutandFallout 2appears in the hands of Maximus, notably used to shoot down the Yao Guai that attacks Knight Titus. Meanwhile, theFallout 4version of the gun...
On my way through the world, my first gun was a 10mm pistol. Upon picking it up, I was happy to see the developers didn’t paste in an omnipresent laser pointer aimer, which always cheapens the shooting experience for me. That’s a big plus. While at close range, using a gun’s ...
High Res textures for various weapons: -Combat Shotgun -Hunting Rifle -Laser Rifle -Lincoln Rifle -10mm Pistol -10mm SMG -Laserpistol -.44 Magnum -Bottlecap Mine -Frag Mine -Frag Grenade -Gatling Laser -Minigun -RockIt Launcher -Flamethrower -Fatman -Missilelauncher -Railwayrifle -Sniperrifle...
N99 10mm PistolThe 10mm N99 sidearm was standard issue military gear following the phase out of the N80 in 2051. The N99 was known for its ability to survive in the harshest of conditions and in many tests, the weapon was able to reliably be restored to working condition after an extended...