Ammunition or ammo is the term used for expendable ordnance material used in charging firearms of all kinds; such as powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion caps, rockets, missiles, energy, etc. The purpose of ammunition is to project force against a sel
Form ID 00245D53 (.308 round)00245D68 (Shotgun shell)00245D69 (Fusion cell)00245D6A (10mm round)00245D6B (.45 round)002491A7 (Flamer fuel)xx04D39C (.45-70)xx0496EB (7.62 round)Magical companion ammo is for use in companions' weapons in Fallout 4. ...
Lowered ammo capacity from 12 to 8. Increased weight from 3.5 to 4. Decreased damage from 28 to 22. Decreased weapon firing and reload speed. Adjusted barrel properties to match vanilla weapons- the short barrel is now standard while long barrels now offer improved range, recoil, and sighted...
It is the most common type of ammunition in the, with the second most common being the. The weapons that use such ammunition are also common, and there are many different types of guns with different statistics that use them, making 10mm rounds very useful. Made by, it comes in ammunition...
(a handy 10mm Sub-Machinegun) will give that warmonger in you a chance to flex your ammo-filled muscles. - Room to Grow: With each of the four main add-on packs, the maximum levelcap is increased by 5 levels, ultimately raising the ceiling to Level 50. - Dead Money: Lured into a...
Military Ammo Bag 00060E77 Industrial Oil Canister 001AB5EE Aluminum Canister 00176054 TV Dinner Tray 00059B2C Surgical Tray 00059AD8 Coolant Cap 000E1FF0 Cake Pan 0001A333 Clean Coffee Tin 00020191 Clean Cake Pan 0001A32F Coffee Tin 00020194 ...
Test grenade launcher: A weapon unusable by the player character due to the Non-Playable flag being set, it would've used the "M203 Shell" ammo type. Its weight is listed at 40lbs and deals no damage along with having a null ammo capacity. The Editor ID of the weapon is "DN029Cannon...
I also have a Hunting Rifle but only a handful of ammo for it so haven't modded it yet. VATS is quickly becoming a second nature but I like the standard gunplay too. Use VATS in pinches or to try and get a crit on an unaware enemy etc. Yes have run to that asshat's mines on...
Set speed of NPCs and player; default is “4” setgs fmoverunmult [number] Set NPC scale; 1 is default setscale [number] Set scale for yourself; 1 is default player.setscale [number] Sets player jump height; 64 is default setgs fJumpHeightMin [number] Spawn ammo item box player.pla...
You must build a mod that allows you to use regular fusion ammo. The safe with the Alien Blaster also contains a Rusted Key. Travel to the Mount Blair Trainyard and unlock the case on the rooftop (Lockpick 2 required) to find the TNT Dome Key 2. Use the TNT Dome Key at the Black ...