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Prepare for the Future™《Fallout 3》年度版为您献上2008年最受欢迎的游戏,收获前所未有的体验。根据您的选择创造角色,深入令人生畏、每一分钟都须为生存而奋战的末日世界。《Fallout 3》年度版包含5个《Fallout 3》游戏扩充包的全部内容。 -《Operation: Anchorage》:进行一场解放安克雷奇的模拟战,击退入侵阿拉...
《Fallout 3》年度最佳遊戲版內含《Fallout 3》全五個追加內容: - Operation: Anchorage:參加軍方推行的戰爭模擬計畫,拯救阿拉斯加安克拉治市脫離中國共產黨入侵者的魔爪。 - The Pitt:前往浩劫過後的匹茲堡,在一片斷垣殘壁中涉入一場奴隸對抗掠奪者奴隸主的激烈衝突。 Broken Steel:將等級上限提升至30級,與自由...
Bethesda Game Studios 发布日期 2010/3/2 年龄分级 适合18 岁及以上人士 类别 角色扮演 安装 安装在常用 Xbox One 主机上,并且在连接到 Microsoft 帐户时可供访问。 发布者信息 Fallout 3 网站 附加条款 交易条款 举报此产品 将此游戏报告给 Microsoft ...
Xbox 360 90 Kikizo From the hollow wind blowing down through subway tunnels, to the radioactive dust clouds swirling throughout the wasteland, up to the buzzards circling the encampment where the bodies of 30 slave traders lie; Fallout 3 is as much a game as it is a training sim for ...
VGChartz - extensive game chart coverage, including sales data, news, reviews, forums, & game database for PS5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch & PC
Xbox 控制器 尚不清楚是否支持其他设备 语言: 界面完全音频字幕 简体中文不支持 英语✔ 法语✔ 意大利语✔ 德语✔ 查看所有 5 种已支持语言 年龄分级机构:泛欧洲游戏信息组织(PEGI) 名称:Fallout 3 类型:角色扮演 开发商:Bethesda Game Studios
Which Fallout Game Should You Play First? For newcomers, the best starting point is arguably Fallout 4, although Fallout 3 and New Vegas are still great ways to enter the franchise. Fallout 4 is the most recent single-player addition to the series, and as a result, is the most modern-fe...
Prepare for the Future™ With Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition, experience the most acclaimed game of 2008 like never before. Create a character of your choosing and descend into an awe-inspiring, post-apocalyptic world where every minute is a fight