谢礼是6个Stealth Boy。(数量的问题同Doc Hoff) 商人可能会「意外」死亡,如果你没打算杀人越货(Canterbury Commons有各个商人的箱子)的话,PC版可以试著在console输入setessential <Base ID> 1,这样该人物就不会死(只会暂时「昏」过去而已,就和GNR前广场那仗情况一样。同理可以用在队友身上)。如果懒得一个一点...
往西越过轨道、到对面的站台,往南撬开一新手级的门锁,能进入一个仓库,里面有个隐形小子(Stealth Boy)。西边掠夺者(Raiders)的休息区,地上有个专家级锁的保险箱,撬开后里面也有个隐形小子(Stealth Boy)。 顺轨道往北,在尽头西边有个墙壁破洞,穿过破洞,就进入地下坑道区。顺着坑道曲折探索,途中会来到一个掠夺者...
Stealth Boy mark II prototype 辐射4Stealth Boy Railroad Stealth Boy 辐射战略版Stealth Boy 范布伦Stealth Boy 辐射:钢铁兄弟会2Stealth Girl 这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 罗科隐型小子3001型是一款戴在使用者手腕的匿踪装置。它能制造一个将光线从物体的一边折射到另一边的区域,让他人更难以发...
When using aStealth BoyorChinese stealth armor, the sword's blood stains will still be visible. InFallout: New Vegas, an enlarged unusable version of the Chinese officer's sword can be seen behind elderMcNamara's desk. It is part of a largeBrotherhood of Steelsymbol which consists of a sw...
When combined with a camouflage provided by either Chinese Stealth Armor or Stealth Boys, they make the player virtually undetectable while they are sneaking. It is more appropriate for lower-level characters, where the low DAM is less of a liability, and for characters who cannot or will not...
In the living quarter there is a skeleton clutching a 10mm pistol laying on the bunk bed on the right (if your facing the table) of where you get the pre war book and stealth boy. Fort Constantine may be named after General Constantine Chase (From Operation Anchorage add-on)who is also...
但这场演示实际上是五面镜子、两个被破解的隐形小子(Stealth Boy)加上一个活板门营造的魔术骗局,两个月以后,销售员就要两百件,到时就彻底会被揭穿了。 接着是镇压器,这个东西原本是用于通过放电镇压暴乱群众的,游戏在开场动画里就会看到愤怒的群众在游行,所以当时群众暴动是很普遍的事。但是,研发团队很明显搞错了...
如果对自己的HP不放心,也可以使用StealthBoy隐形小子隐身进去. c.实验除鼠剂(附加任务,在7个老鼠身上试验):这个任务很简单,去地图 标出的地方,那里都是MoleRat变异鼠,用Moria给你的已经喂毒过的 "RepellentStick"攻击老鼠就可以了. 3.第三章: a.了解RivetCity的历史(附加任务:了解RivetCity真正的历史): 1.在...
Use a Stealthboy to get past everyone, and when the walls on the left open (as you walk in), go into the door and access the computer mainframe. You will be given three options, “Override” and “Download” for two conversations. Select the second download to get 500 XP. Do not ...
木板桌下面还有3个隐形小子(Stealth Boys)。 东边海岸边有树屋,树屋顶有花园矮人(Garden gnome)木偶、狙击猎枪、谷内窖藏啤酒(Gwinnett Lager)、露营袋(Duffle Bag)、弹药箱,树上吊有辐射雌鹿。由西边岸边的木板桥上去,沿木板桥走,中途往东进入一个金属棚屋(Shack),在一个军用箱子(Trunk)旁边的板条货箱上有布雷...