在他身上摸到一把钥匙, 这把钥匙能打开这里所有房屋的门, 有三座房子的衣橱和书桌后面藏有保险箱 , 其中一个保险箱中有Stealth Boy. 回去交任务后, Moira奖励你一个Bottlecup Mine 瓶盖地雷的图纸.c.辐射伤害( 附加任务, 体验超过600辐射量的伤害 ): 让自己达到600辐射量回去交任务就可以了, 得到附加技能:...
Use a Stealthboy to get past everyone, and when the walls on the left open (as you walk in), go into the door and access the computer mainframe. You will be given three options, “Override” and “Download” for two conversations. Select the second download to get 500 XP. Do not ...
辐射3Stealth Boy 辐射:新维加斯Stealth Boy Stealth Boy mark II prototype 辐射4Stealth Boy Railroad Stealth Boy 辐射战略版Stealth Boy 范布伦Stealth Boy 辐射:钢铁兄弟会2Stealth Girl 这是一篇概述文章,列出了多个游戏中出现的内容。 罗科隐型小子3001型是一款戴在使用者手腕的匿踪装置。它能制造一个将光线从...
More of a stealth weapon than an assault rifle. Scoped, automatic, biased towards a lower level character. Uses 10mm rounds, has own repair list(hunting rifle, chinese pistol, chinese assault rifle, and .44 Magnum. Because I used parts from all of those.) Pistol Grip Combat Shotguns....
The chewed Stealth Boy is a quest item in Fallout: New Vegas. The chewed Stealth Boy is an item required in the quest Guess Who I Saw Today. This item is given to Dr. Henry, who wishes to further examine it. It is found near a dead nightkin in Charleston
There are also a number of traps along the route. Murder Pass is a good choice for earning experience, and also contains several first aid boxes, a decent amount of ammunition, a Stealth Boy, a Nuka-Cola Quantum and a U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes skill book. ...
These are the cheat codes what you can use while playing one of the most prominent games of this era Fallout 4. This is one of the most loved games, and you can get the taste doubles by using these console commands. General commands: ...
Museum of Freedom-Robco Fun magazine(Unlocks game on Pip-Boy); Ranger Cabin-Survival Guide(You receive 5% less melee damage); USAF Satellite Station Olivia-Covert Operations Manual(permanently increases your stealth skills); Robot Disposal Ground-Hot Rodder Magazine(new paint job for the power armo...
Each slot you upgrade in the Cargo Bot Station, will add a stealthed Cargo Bot that increases your carry weight. Different slots require different perks and factions. This can be a great system for those who wish to extend their total carry weight, but want an interactive reason for doing ...
3. Pulse grenades do nothing either. Same for a stealth boy. 4. I tried to damage myself and get through, also nothing5. Even tried a rocketjump up to the balcony with the missile launcher, but it did not end well. Amusing to watchthough.6. Across the river from the balcony area,...