Fallout 3 - Wanderers Edition(F.W.E.)是一个力求为原版游戏系统化地提升挑战性,增强融入感和深化...
013C ToggleScripts TSCRTurn Script processing on/off 013D ToggleConversations TCONVToggle ...
iActorShadowIntMin=0 iActorShadowExtMax=0 iActorShadowExtMin=0 ; 在市内和在室外影子可能的最大数量.很明显升高这两个值将会降低FPS.默认Max=10,Min=0 bDynamicWindowReflections=1 ; 动态倒影之类的,不太影响性能.默认 1(开) fShadowFadeTime=1.0000 ; 决定当你靠近有投影的物体/角色时影子淡入/淡出所...
Fallout.ini is the configuration file in which the basic and default settings are deposited, the Gamebryo engine needs to run Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas properly on any personal computer. It contains values about audio and graphical options, backgr
[RSP+4E0] 0x7FF70287D640 (GameScript::PathingCallbackMgr*) [RSP+4E8] 0x7FF6FE8B0DBA (void* -> Fallout4.exe+1B10DBA) [RSP+4F0] 0x7FF702845178 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5AA5178) [RSP+4F8] 0x7FF702845168 (void* -> Fallout4.exe+5AA5168) [RSP+500] 0x0 (size_t) [RSP+50...
STestFile1=Fallout3.esm sEssentialFileCacheList=Data\Fallout.esm|Data2\Fallout.esm, Data\Music\Special\MainTitle.mp3, Data\Fallout - Sound.bsa|Fallout - Sound.bsa, Data\Fallout - Voices.bsa|Fallout - Voices.bsa, Data\Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa|Fallout - MenuVoices.bsa sUnessentialFileCache...
If you must perform a bulk update for all of the processes, you can use a SQL script to update the table ERROR_TYPE column in the AIA_ERROR_NOTIFICATIONS table with the appropriate values. See the $AIA_HOME/pips/Communications/O2C/DatabaseObjects/AIA_OFM_CreateOrderFalloutAIAErrorNotifications...
FixScriptPageAllocation: true FixToggleScriptsCommand: true GameDataReady: true GreyMovies: true InteriorNavCut: true MagicEffectApplyEvent: true MovementPlanner: true PackageAllocateLocation: true PipboyLightInvFix: true SafeExit: true TESObjectREFRGetEncounterZone: true UnalignedLoad:...
fQuestScriptDelayTime=5.0000 ; 任务事件显示秒数.默认 5.0000 bCloneModelsInBackground=0 ; 在后台克隆模型.HT或多核CPU必开.单核可试.默认 0(关) iLastHDRSetting=-1 ; 不清楚 [HAVOK] ; 物理设置 bDisablePlayerCollision=0 ; 设为1关闭主角的碰撞效果.等于穿人.默认 0 ...