《辐射3 FALLOUT3》Rescue from Paradise 营救计划 作者:keyneslin 0.这是主线任务, 在去87号避难所的时候, Little Lamplight的看门狗给你的跑腿任务, 救出被奴隶贩子抓走的三个小孩Sammy,Penny和Squirrel, 如果直接去Paradise奴隶营地和里面的小孩对话,也能接到这个任务. ( 关于如何进Paradise的大门详见下面<Strictly...
任务名: Rescue from Paradise 目标: 营救被Paradise Falls的奴隶贩抓走的三个小孩,详见上面的<Rescue from Paradise> 任务 *National Guard Depot* 磁碟名: Kelly's Family 目标: 收集5张Kelly的磁碟,得到开门密码, 以下是5张Kelly磁碟的地点: 1.在VAPL-58 Power Station的正北,(沿着高压电线杆走)第三个电线...
Rescue from Paradise is a side quest in Fallout 3. It is also an Xbox 360/PC achievement and a PlayStation 3 trophy. Depending on perk choices and Speech successes, one may need to complete this quest to advance the game's main quest line. When inside Pa
*Little Lamplight 孩童灯火镇* 任务名: Rescue from Paradise 目标: 营救被Paradise Falls的奴隶贩抓走的三个小孩,详见上面的<Rescue from Paradise> 任务 == 队友介绍及入手条件 == *善良* 人类Star Paladin Cross: 兄弟会大本营 变种人 Fawkes: 在87避难所里第一次碰见他, 打开消防警报, 他那扇门就能打开,...
<Rescue from Paradise> 营救计划 0.这是主线任务, 在去87号避难所的时候, Little Lamplight的看门狗给你的跑腿任务, 救出被奴隶贩子抓走的三个小孩Sammy,Penny和Squirrel, 如果直接去Paradise奴隶营地和里面的小孩对话,也能接到这个任务. ( 关于如何进Paradise的大门详见下面<Strictly Business>任务 ) a.可以选择直...
要得到进入的许可,你需要通过口才检定,或使用童心未泯特技,或做完Rescue from Paradise这一支线任务(见下)。 当你得到进入小灯火镇的许可后,有两条路可以进入87号避难所: 穿过谋杀小径: 你需要与麦格雷迪市长或公主交谈才能打开通往谋杀小径的大门。杀死其中盘踞的超级变种人,最终你将可以到达避难所的入口。 打开...
孩童灯火镇* 任务名: Rescue from Paradise 目标: 营救被Paradise Falls的奴隶贩抓走的三个小孩,详见上面的Rescue from Paradise 任务 == 队友介绍及入手条件 == *善良*? 人类 Star Paladin Cross: 兄弟会大本营??? 变种人 Fawkes: 在87避难所里第一次碰见他, 打开消防警报, 他那扇门就能打开, 帮你拿出G....
This is the only way to skip Galaxy News Radio (other than through unintentional glitches), though Rescue from Paradise can also be skipped through use of Child at Heart to convince MacCready to let the player into Little Lamplight. Both quests can then be completed as a side quest at ...
It started when the two were captured by the Paradise Falls slavers. Managing to escape their slave collars, Dashwood insisted on trying to rescue the mysterious woman who was locked in "The Box." They subdued the guard and unlocked the Pulowski Preservation shelter to find that it was empty...
When rescue of "Missing NPC" goes wrong, there is also the method of jumping over a low wall and going to meet them.v1.1 : Dome type. Finalized the Navmesh. v1.0 : Dome type. First MOD. Enjoy! by hdela Credit: hdela===My Mansion ...