Intelligence 这个是最重要的了, 建议一上来就加满, 每加1点不但+2 Medicine, +2 Repair, +2 Science(这3个都是重要技能), 而且以后每升一级可以获得额外的1点Skill. Agility 也相当重要, 提高Small Guns和Sneak技能, 还可以增加AP, 前期主要就是靠Small Guns和VASTS来杀敌, 省时又省弹. 同样为了出Sniper...
Getting 74% off 1 time only discount on Repairs - this can be potentially HUGE, most of the times you don't waste money to repair level 7 items make it easier to recruit Arcade - does not count as value (listed as it can be useful)Lady killer: you can flirt with your light switc...
如果你的开锁技能达到要求,开锁的过程将采用迷你游戏的形式来进行。详细描述参见锁。 你可以通过获取摇头娃娃—开锁和阅读撬锁速成来永久提升你的开锁技能。 Lockpick-based perks PerkRequirementLevelAdditional Requirements Infiltrator7018Perception7 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
Fallout 3 is a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the third major installment in the Fallout series (fifth overall) and a sequel to Interplay Entertainment's Fallout and
(Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) attributes across a huge array of skills depending on how you want to play the game. In the opening of episode 1, there's a sweet nod to this skill tree system, when Lucy details her skills — repair, s...
Robot Repair Facility near Canterbury Commons. West leads to "Enclave Alley" to your left is a door to Ez0n3's My Mansion Trophy Room (locked, do his quest "A House to Die For" for the key). To your right is a drainage grate which ...
[18] While Dog was taken to the Cantina Madrid and Dean to the Tampico Theatre, the Casino's automated systems recognized Christine as Vera Keyes and brought her to the executive suites. As she was trapped inside the starlet's old room, Christine used her time there to repair the damage ...
Class Freak (3): The negative effect of mutations is reduced by 75%. Starched Genes (2): You will never mutate from radiation, and your current mutations will never be cured by RadAway. Luck of the Draw (2): Your weapon has a chance to repair itself when hitting a target. ...
Guns can sustain damage, or be found in a damaged state, which negatively affects their accuracy, damage, and rate of fire. You can cannibalize parts from one weapon to help repair another--after all, it is better to have one properly functioning gun than two damaged ones. Howard demonstrat...
every item sold in the Atomic Shop is cosmetic only. The single mechanically useful thing in the shop is a Repair Kit that lets you repair a weapon for free, which is a huge deal, but with there being no PvP it kind of doesn’t matter. The currency for the shop is Atoms, which ca...