Protectrons are a type of robot encountered in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. Many Protectrons were commissioned by the U.S. Army before the Great War of 2077. They are painted a dark olive drab with a white star on their chest. These mechanized soldiers
; 老滚遗留物.2AEEA是The Tiber Septim Hotel大厅的CellID,所有冲突,BUG的NPC,生物都会被塞到那里.在FALLOUT3中这个ID不知道是哪里.未测试.默认 2AEEA bUseThreadedAI=1 ; AI线程化.HT或多核CPU必开,单核慎用.默认 0(关) iNumHWThreads=2 ; CPU线程数.这项需要自行添加,打开我的文档\My Games\Fallout3\Re...
Galaxy News Radio was a pre-War radio station based in Washington, D.C. and a subsidiary of Galaxy News Network. By 2277, Galaxy News Radio had been repurposed by Three Dog into a community radio station that reported on the happenings around the Capital
RestoredThe Peepers cut night vision model, pipboy icon, and world object model Restored a drop-down ramp that triggers afterThe Brain says the player will die in dialogue or if the player keeps shooting the Brain. The 2 ramps that can be walked on switch to being against the wal...
All it does is change the name of some of the weapons to either it's real life name, or it's model name, for example, the Sniper... Vault 33 - Missing Daughter English Version Dec 31 2023 Released Dec 2023 Role Playing Explore flooded Vault 33 and find the stranger's missing ...
I'm unable to play Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I can't even load a save or start a new game. Instant crash to desktop and removing all the mods, tweaks, INI settings or having the game in its vanilla state doesn't seem to have any effect. Rolling back to previous version solv...
2077年08月,核子太空港(Starport Nuka)的管理部门收到了来自罗伯科公司(RobCo)提供的星际控制台主机(Star Control mainframe)和通用原子国际公司(General Atomics International Corporation)提供的用于贩卖部所使用的旧型巧手先生(Older-model Handy);月底,管理部经理莱恩·潘妮(Ryan Penning)与技术人员马克·赖斯曼(Mark...
↑Arcade Gannon:"Wow. That thing is definitely carrying around a bunch of Enclave intel. Adams is on the eastern seaboard of the country. Which means this little "Duraframe" sucker somehow managed to survive for overtwo thousand miles.Certainly lives up to its model name." ...
0142 DumpModelMap DMMDump model map contents to file 0143 CenterOnWorld COW[COW worldname ...
Denarius 3, 30 Caps, 60 NCR Dollars There's a reason settlements in the radioactive post-apocalyptia keep livestock, and it isn't just for the meat. Without some natural means to remove radiation the human populous (or neo-human as the Enclave would call it) would not have lasted ...