My picks for what was important, awesome, or worth talking about in 2015. What Does a Robot Want? No, self-aware robots aren't going to turn on us, Skynet-style. Not unless we designed them to. 115 thoughts on “Spoiler Warning Fallout 3 #11: Did you just punch out Jingwei?”...
Quick judgments will usually lead to a hazardous end. The whole Crimson caravan and 3-Some caravan drama. Evil is subjective: Deception. Not everything is as it seems, and not everyone is truthful about their motivations. Wisdom comes in strange places. The trogs come across as dumb hicks,...
After Shem Drowne's grave has been opened, the quest will be completed and one is awarded with some XP and the Shem Drowne sword, a unique revolutionary sword with additional radiation damage. Quest stagesStageStatusDescription 3 Talk to Ellie 5 Check the Detective Cases 10 Read Earl Sterling...
Rewards 200 caps300+ XP Quest chain PreviousNext Boston After DarkorThe Molecular Level JackpotConciergeVariable Removal Technical Editor ID RRR04 Form ID 000B26C2 Mercer Safehouse is a Railroad side quest in Fallout 4. Contents 1 Quick walkthrough 2 Detailed walkthrough 2.1 Possible settlements ...
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 The requirements are quite modest because Fallout: New Vegas is based on a game engine which has been around for many years, most notably used in Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Basically, if your system can run Fallout 3 then you should be able ...
High Times is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. The quest is started by traveling to the Old Mormon Fort in the northeast section of Freeside and speaking to Julie Farkas, leader of the New Vegas chapter of the Followers of the Apocalypse; she is recog
Quest gives us XP, caps, loot etc. we were able to grab that, so we did. On to the next, on to the next. It was psychologically motivated: Here, have great loot. Oh yeah, and it is easy to do and right next to ya. Since it was our first play, we didn't know a) how ...
Mods come as package -> first you need to extract them to a temporary location by using a tool like7zip. Examine the files / folders of the Mod you've unpacked to get a quick overview. Example of an unzipped Mod under XP and Vista / Windows7 ...
The Super Mutant works differently also, as he gains 1 XP per point of radiation he takes, but still takes the rad damage. When a player's Rad's damage is higher than the player's current HP, the player is dead. Radioactive zones deal 1 Rad damage upon entering the space, and ...
With the Idiot Savant perk, you'll randomly receive XP from completing any action. The lower your Intelligence, the higher the chance. With the Inspirational perk, your companions can gain a variety of bonuses, like greater combat damage, immunity to friendly fire, and increased carrying capacity...