在支线任务的The Wasteland Survival Guide中,说服Moira Brown停止撰写她的指南。这个Perk能降低敌人对你的致命机率,以及跟Moira交易时,享有30%的折扣。 Rad Limb Healing: 在支线任务的The Wasteland Survival Guide中,进行野外研究时受到辐射感染,达到Critical等级,将可获得此Perk。日后当辐射伤害计量达到400以上时,残...
Five points of unarmed damage is HUGE. It’s the same damage bonus you’d get from 10 points of Strength. If you decide to try and play with your fists, these perks are essential. If you don’t want to go melee, don’t bother with this. ...
Fallout New Vegas is based on the same engine “Gamebryo” as Fallout 3 was, which provide a massive capability for tweaking. There are three methods excluding in-game settings to customize your game; Mods, .ini files and console commands. You can refer to the Tweak Guide below to play ar...
2辐射3 2.1增加智力的方法 2.2与智力有关的Perks 2.3备注 辐射,辐射2与辐射战略版[] 受影响的属性: 升级后可用的技能点数, 对话选项, 以及大量的技能. 智力在辐射与辐射2中最有趣的一点就是对游戏进程的影响, 如果你创建了一个低智商角色(智力小于等于4). 那主角在游戏中几乎只能发出弱智般的呓语, 例如"wub...
Explore Fan Central Current Fallout Wiki Others Like You Viewed Fallout 4 The Ghoul Enclave New California Republic Timeline Top Pages this Week Vault-Tec bobblehead (Fallout 4) 1 Fallout: New Vegas console commands 2 Fallout 4 perks 3 Fallout: New Vegas weapons 4 For Auld Lang Syne 5 ...
The most complete Fallout 3 companion guide in existence.* Essential Wasteland Companion: walkthroughs and detailed maps give you all the tactics, locations, items, and rewards! Also: info and stats on all the perks, armor, weapons, items, factions, and entities you'll encounter!* Moral ...
Explore Fan Central Current Fallout Wiki Others Like You Viewed Fallout 4 Enclave The Ghoul Timeline New California Republic Top Pages this Week Vault-Tec bobblehead (Fallout 4) 1 Fallout: New Vegas console commands 2 Fallout 4 perks 3 For Auld Lang Syne 4 Fallout: New Vegas weapons 5 ...
Added Point Lookout perks:Ghoul Ecology,Punga Power!,Superior Defender Jun 9 You can now comment on character builds. Maximum comment length is long enough (12000 characters) for author to post Fallout 3 guide or tips related to a character. ...
two items from her - amininukeand the first issue of theWasteland Survival Guide. Furthermore, you'll be given a new perk, but the quality of the perk will depend on how many side objectives you've finished. You can get one of three perks -Junior survivor,Survival expertorSurvival guru...
and Mothership Zeta. The most complete Fallout 3 companion guide in existence - Your Essential Wasteland Companion: walkthroughs and over 200 detailed maps give you all the tactics, locations, items, and rewards - Info and stats on all the perks, armor, weapons, items, factions, and entities...