Epic 玩家評分 擷取自 Epic Games 生態系的玩家。 這款遊戲具有 範圍廣泛的角色自訂選項 這款遊戲有 出色的頭目戰 這款遊戲 很適合新手 這款遊戲具有 多元化的角色 這款遊戲具有 獨一無二的視覺效果 這款遊戲的 戰鬥難度具挑戰性 《Fallout: New Vegas®》Ultimate Edition 系統需求...
发行商 Bethesda Softworks 发行日期 23/05/25 首度发布 10/10/19 平台 Windows 《Fallout: New Vegas》 版本 ¥41 加入购物车 添至愿望清单 ¥83 加入购物车 添至愿望清单 关注我们 Epic 玩家测评 来自Epic Games 生态系统中的玩家。 该游戏的
IfFallout 4 is not launching or starting on Epic Games launcher, then this post is sure to help you resolve the issue. Fallout 4 is an action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. Recently, many users have been complaining that theFallout ga...
Fallout 3 is a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the third major installment in the Fallout series (fifth overall) and a sequel to Interplay Entertainment's Fallout and
* Update index.js - Add Epic version to requiresLauncher Added proper Epic launcher settings to requiresLauncher function. This is necessary for proper cloud data syncing and launching the game through the Epic Games Store. * Fallout3: Update index.js - Add Epic version to requiresLauncher Added...
The Creation Engine is an engine created by Bethesda Softworks for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76. The Creation Engine is the successor to the Gamebryo game engine, and was launched to support The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It retai
On 15 February 2024, Epic Games revealed that it would give away three games from the Fallout series — Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel — for PC on the Epic Games Store for free from 22 February 2024 to 29 February 2024. However, the company has made a ...
When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Rare, he’s busy with his music or his popular TikTok Series 'Skyrim Guard Tales' featuring Jesper the Guard. He’s now brought the eponymous character to life in-game for anyone to recruit as a follow......
3 kudos 16 February 2025, 7:43AM i just seem to be crashing on start up for no reason... no mods are missing any other mods.. mostly everything is working...it starts up but crashes after 5-10 seconds on the main menu... any idea what this could be? Shaded...
EPIC Games 免費送《Fallout 3》 【快閃免費 😍】平安夜無女陪,EPIC Games 送隻 Fallout 3 給你留在屋企玩,它是 2008 年最受遊戲之一就算放到現在也不過時,這次送的是年度最佳遊戲版,追加了 5 個 DLC 內容,免費連結在下方,2023 年 12 月 25 日 12:00 AM 前有效。