The sheet music book is a miscellaneous item in Fallout 3. It can be brought to Agatha as part of the quest Agatha's Song. The reward will be either the Blackhawk or good Karma. Arlington Library: Found in the children's wing of the library, past the fir
6.日后再去找老奶奶, 她会告诉你需要乐谱记录音乐, 为音乐文化能传承下去尽一份微薄之力. 把在Arlington Library找到的Sheet Music Book交给他( Valut-92的厕所也有一本 ), 之后对话选择接受任何礼物, 能得到一把BlackHawk马格南左轮. 如果选择留给老奶奶防身, 则得到Karma奖励. ps: 如果先入手提琴而没接任务,...
4{{#while: | FO3|}}500 耐久度 360 修理 Scoped .44 Magnums 任务 Agatha's Song Form ID 000303A2 辅助能力的影响 黑鹰是瞄准镜型.44玛格纳手枪的一个变种。 位置 在完成阿加莎之歌任务之后,你可以给阿加莎送去Sheet Music Book。她会将黑鹰送给你作为奖赏。欲取得状况完好的黑鹰,你需要在接受和完成任务...
Sheet Music Book (Agatha's Quest Part 2) 0006835F Rivet City Historical Record (Megaton Quest) 0002D3B3 8 ball 0002EDFB QUOTE: Misc(其它杂物) Bobby Pins(发夹,开锁工具) 0000000A Bottle Caps(钱啊~~~) 0000000F Medical Brace 0002210D Stealth Boy(隐形小子) 00043E94 Wonder Glue 0002210A Broth...
The Blackhawk is obtained from Agatha in the “Agatha’s Song” quest in return for the Sheet Music book. You must ask for a reward. There is a higher chance of the weapon being in good condition if you speak politely to Agatha throughout the quest. It can be repaired with regular ...
Other sheet music by this artist The Legend of Zelda: Great Fairy Fountain (Piano Cover) Lavender Town (Pokémon R/B/Y) Tetris Theme Jump Up, Super Star - Super Mario Odyssey - For Piano (UPDATED) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Main Theme Pokémon Red and Blue - Title Theme (for pi...
Here's a transcript of the NCR sell sheet in Fallout 2: NEW CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC We're Here! Why not join us? There's a wonderful future ahead - and it could be yours with the New California Republic! But what is it, you want to know? HOW BIG IS NCR? Founded eighty years ...
Music notes This is the main theme of another beautiful series of role-playing video games Fallout: Fallout 76. Once again, Inon surprises us with this wonderful main theme that perfectly highlights the essence of the game. And once again I set out to transcribe the theme for piano. Emphasi...
其他任务(Miscellaneous Quests),是指哔哔小子(Pip Boy)任务栏中的“其它”项目下的小任务。1、老一二(The Old One-Two)【任务代码:FOLON_LQCity101或072AEAA6】在伦敦金融城(City Of London),玩家来到利物浦街站(Liverpool Street Station)的北边,会遇到两个流氓(Hooligan)发生内讧,哈维·黑尔(Harvey Hale)赢得...
Fix MAT_SHOPPING_CART to use MetalSheet instead of Wood footstep sounds.Print error to console when BipedAnims are missing their item.Skip the last page of the computer notes if there are no visible characters.Fix issue where fragged explosives didn't have a source weapon set, causing them ...