★2162年三月3日,放逐者和Master正式发生冲突。 ★2162年四月20日,放逐者摧毁了军事基地。Dogmeat为了保护他的主人而死去。 ★2162年五月10日,辐射1结束:放逐者回到13号避难所,却被告知“你是个英雄,但你还是要离开。”一些避难所成员(由主张“返回地面”的Lydia和她的支持者——Theresa和Lyle领导)不久也随...
Dogmeat:"<bark> <bark!>" (Dogmeat's dialogue) 非正史 ↑Fallout 3 Official Game GuideGame of the Year Edition, p. 70:"Dogmeat An affectionate and dextrous puppy, Dogmeat's skills as a four-legged scavenger and ferocious fighting companion were not lost on his first master, who was recentl...
随后,任务就会全部完成,主线任务“听着,听着(Hear Ye, Hear Ye)”与支线任务“丢失的汤米(The Lost Tommies)”同时触发。任务“丢失的汤米(The Lost Tommies)”详见下文《(三)、支线任务(Side Quests)》所详解。 玩家若魅力值不高,想让国会卫士(Guard Palace Of Westminster)说出斯麦瑟女士(Mrs. Smythe)的信...
Family Barb Howard - ex-wifeJaney Howard - daughterRoosevelt - dog (pre-War)"Dogmeat" - dog Other TV actor Walton Goggins Mentioned in Fallout 76 Appearances Fallout TV seriesFallout ShelterFallout: Wasteland WarfareFallout: Factions“Well, one good question deserves another. Why the fuck am...
[ ] Dogmeat Armor.esp [X] UPP - Quest Perks.esp [ ] UPP - Beverage Perks.esp [X] VDSP-01.esp [ ] FOW - The Last Child of Gallifrey.esp [ ] FOW - Ghosts in the Machine v1.0.esp [ ] FOW - Ghosts in the Machine v1.1.esp [X] HouseholdWaterPurifier.esp [ ] PortableMattress...
Everyone's Best Friend DogmeatSorting Mods FIS (and the associated "FallUI'" mod set). Basically replaces Def_UI (which you can still use instead) and several other UI mods.Immersion + See Through Scopes and Patch + Boston Natural Surroundings + Pip Boy Flashli...
★2161年十二月30日,放逐者在Junktown得到第二个伙伴Dogmeat。 ★2162年一月17日,放逐者到达Hub并和贩水商人进行谈判,使他们为13号避难所提供用水,为避难所赢得更多的时间。 ★2162 年二月13日,放逐者在Necropolis得到水质芯片。Ian被一个超级变种人杀死并化为灰烬,ending his tendency to shoot the Vault Dwell...
and in the end I finally gave up and let him trot off to the big fire hydrant in the sky. Dogmeat’s passing was a little thing in the scope of the game and not the only NPC I eventually lost, but it was wrenching to walk away from his bloodied little corpse. In fact, the gam...
↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2162 March 3 Vault Dweller kicks the Master's ass." ↑ Fallout Bible 0 ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2162 April 20 Vault Dweller destroys the Military Base. Dogmeat dies defending his master." ↑ Fallout Bible 0: "2185 Summer At high noon, Marcus and Brotherhood of ...