In the eastern section (the offices) on the main floor there is a computer named "Field Reports" with 2 audio logs that can be downloaded (Fort Independence field reports #1 and #2). The first audio log speaks about "the increased raider activity in Fairfax ruins" and the second about "...
◎放逐者(Outcasts) 据点:Fort Independence 首领:Protector Henry Casdin 在Lyons长老试图推行保护政策后,一部份反对者脱离了BoS,建立起他们自己的派系。这群人虽然被称为「放逐者」,可是他们的理念反而比较接近原始的BoS教义,他们将研究战前科技视为一种神圣使命,不太在乎其他人的生死,因此他们说话时通时会流露出一...
6.Fort Independence的蒐集科技 Energy weapons/Power armmor > Ammo/Medicines 出走的钢铁兄弟会的基地 会僱用他人来收集科技产品 给的东西越稀有 提供的奖赏也会越高 下面是从Fallout Wiki挖来的列表 项目5.56 手雷 医疗针 退辐射 基本上是不记品质 一件换取一种 当然是拿越破的东西去换越划算 不要傻傻的把...
In the eastern section (the offices) on the main floor there is a computer named "Field Reports" with 2 audio logs that can be downloaded (Fort Independence field reports #1 and #2). The first audio log speaks about "the increased raider activity in Fairfax ruins" and the second about "...
在Stealing the Independence里面,用伟人说服伟人。这个任务是整个游戏脚本写的最好的任务。 选女性角色和Black Widow特长,收到Megaton酒吧角落特工男的情书。 找到两把外星异型枪支和超过两百发外星异型弹药。提醒,你可以合法地进入钢铁兄弟会分裂派Outcast的要塞Fort Indepandent。
19 They insisted there was more important technology to be recovered in a scientific base in the ruins of Fort Independence, to the West.他们坚持认为能在独立要塞的科技基地废墟中挖掘到重要科技。 20 Where Elder Lyons has fought to protect the people of the Capital Wasteland, the Outcasts demande...
Protectrons are a type of robot encountered in the Capital Wasteland in 2277. Many Protectrons were commissioned by the U.S. Army before the Great War of 2077. They are painted a dark olive drab with a white star on their chest. These mechanized soldiers
FortBannister02 Fort Bannister Bunker FortBannister03 Fort Bannister Main FortC0 Dummy FortC01 Personnel Offices FortC02 CO Quarters FortC03 Launch Control Bunker FortC04 Bomb Storage FortConstantineExterior Dummy FortIndependence01 Fort Independence ...
Fort Bannister 4 Fort Independence 8 Friendship Heights 10 Galaxy News Radio 10 Georgetown East 10 Georgetown North 10 Georgetown South 10 Georgetown West 10 Germantown Police Headquarters 2 Girdershade 7 Grayditch 9 Greener Pastures Disposal Site 3 Grisly Diner 3 Hallowed Moors ...
The Brotherhood Outcasts operate within the town of Fairfax located just to the East of their headquarters, Fort Independence. Prior to issues with raiders, the Outcasts had actually began to occupy the city. However, due to a large gang of raiders deciding to occupy Fairfax at the same time...