1 在游戏里按"~"开启控制台,输入完后再按"~"关闭即可modpca 属性名称 #属性名称对应的属性,比如luck,增加#点 (注意的是要分大小写)player.setAV 技能或属性名称 #将名称为"技能或属性名称"的技能或者属性的值设为# 比如 "player.setAV Luck 10" 注意空格哦, "."是句号player.additem 0000000F #增加#数...
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The Fallout Script Extender, or FOSE for short, is a modder's resource that expands the scripting capabilities of Fallout 3. It does so without modifying the Fallout3.exe or the G.E.C.K. files on disk, so there are no permanent side effects. 101KB 11.8k 520.2k 6 Command Extende...
FattiBaldi More images View more from uploader About this image Share 2 comments Pages 1 deshaz premium 86 kudos 29 October 2015, 9:57PM Should we all be running for shelter, or is it just her Bernt premium 394 kudos 29 October 2015, 5:57PM Better get out of her way...
Re: [0.34.11] ☢ FALLOUT MOD ☢ [1.0] - new poll « Reply #3 on: February 05, 2013, 11:17:29 pm » ptw Logged http://wryemusings.com/Cathedral%20vs.%20Parlor.htmlsmakemupagus Bay Watcher [CANOPENDOORS] Re: [0.34.11] ☢ FALLOUT MOD ☢ [1.0] - new poll «...
This crunchy sugar-coated corn cereal is perfect for a light snack, stays crisp for centuries, and goes great with low-fat or skim brahmin milk! HPs +3, Rads +3, AP +1 Radroach MeatThis meat is nearly inedible, but however inedible it may be, it does provide some proteins and basic...
story unfolds. I assume there's no time limit, so I'm exploring mostly everything along the way. Not expecting much out of the story anyway. It's a Bethesda game, after all. Crewdroog: So everyone (raiders) seems to have a fat man. I'm in one area where I have to go clean...
避难所科技辅助瞄准系统(英文名:Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System,简写V.A.T.S.),是Fallout 3、Fallout: 新维加斯、Fallout 4和Fallout 76中的游戏特色,灵感来自Fallout与Fallout 2的回合制战斗中射击特定部位的能力。也能提供类似时间暂停或子弹时间的视觉动态战斗体验。
@LieutenantFatman That's probably my biggest concern at this point. It's bad enough that the game is bad, but it's left a stain on Fallout, and one that won't be forgotten any time soon. Bethesda's reputation has been falling apart for years now, but Fallout 76 is the real collaps...