DPS (重新装填) 58.2 (66.4) 暴击伤害暴击几率 27x1 伤害/秒AP 1.527 落弹数散布 93 弹药&装填 弹药种类 Shotgun shell 弹药/射击射击/装填 112 弹匣容量装填时间 123.3 其他 重量价值 7{{#while: | FO3|}}200 耐久度 240 修理 Drum-magazine combat shotguns ...
考尔.奥特姆的镭射手枪 (Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol)U 000ABBE4 战斗匕首 (Combat Knife) 00004326 半自动散弹枪 (Combat Shotgun) 0003713D 天谴撕碎者 (Curse Breaker) U 000C80BB 镖枪(Dart Gun) 0000432A 死亡拳爪 (Deathclaw Gauntlet) 0000432B 电晕(Electrical Zap) 00022FF1 尤金(多管机枪) (Euge...
Shotguns Combat shotgun (The Terrible Shotgun)· Double-barrel shotgun· Sawed-off shotgun (The Kneecapper) SMGs 10mm SMG (Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG) Rifles Assault rifle (Infiltrator, Perforator)· BB gun· Chinese assault rifle (Xuanlong assault rifle)· Hunting rifle (Ol' Painless)· ...
战斗匕首 (Combat Knife) 00004326 半自动散弹枪 (Combat Shotgun) 0003713D 天谴撕碎者 (Curse...
Adds the Combat Shotgun from Fallout 3 into Mojave Wasteland :D Share Permissions and credits ***Update!***Fixed the reload animation. Player now uses the same animation as in FO3.***Main***Hi there. Don't want to waste too many words. It's just that I really loved the combat...
Combat Knife 00004326 Combat Knife 00064093 Combat Shotgun 0003713D Combat Shotgun 00004327 Curse Breaker (Baseball Bat) 000C80BB Dart Gun 0000432A Deathclaw Gauntlet 0000432B Electrical Zap 00022FF1 Eugene (Minigun) 0006B538 Excalibat 000C80BC ...
最好的散弹:(散弹都很好用,普通的Combat Shotgun:00004327 )1 The Terrible Shotgun :0006B534 (15发子弹,威力极大,准度极差)2 Charon's Shotgun :000372B8 (只能条秘籍,威力大,5发。准度很高,子弹无限,不会坏)最好的步枪:(个人的最爱)Lincoln's Repeater:0003C07A (15...
关于an overview of combat shotgun models in the Fallout series of games,参见combat shotgun。 Fallout: New Vegas 武器 镇暴霰弹枪 要求 技能 Guns 100 力量要求 7 攻击数据 伤害/攻击 67 (79.7) 伤害/炮弹 9.6 (11.4) DPS 268 (446.5) DPS (重新装填) 155.6 (253.9) 暴击伤害暴击机率 10...
The double-barrel shotgun is a small gun added to Fallout 3 with the Point Lookout add-on. 詳見霰彈槍條目 不像削短型霰彈槍,双筒霰彈枪的枪托和枪管都是完整无缺的, yet is quite rusty and still requiring a metal strap to keep the foregarm and barrels…