; CPU线程数.这项需要自行添加,打开我的文档\My Games\Fallout3\RendererInfo.txt 在最下面可以看到你上一次运行时的设置,是游戏自动安排的。HT或多核CPU设为2.4核请自行测试。单核CPU一般可忽略. bChangeTimeMultSlowly=1 ; 不清楚.默认 1 bCheckPurgedTextureList=0 ; 检查已清除材质列表.未测试.默认 0(关...
默认0(关) bUseFaceGenHeads=1 ;头部生成.如果设为0,所有人都没有头.默认1(开) bFaceMipMaps=1 ;脸部变频解码.用多层纹理材质表现脸部轮廓.默认1(开) bFaceGenTexturing=1 ;脸部质感生成.皱纹之类的脸部细节.默认1(开) SBetaCommentFileName=\\vault\Fallout\Fallout3\Beta_Comment.txt ;不知道 bDefault...
bFull Screen 1 Default value for the same entry in FalloutPrefs.ini. Overwritten by the same entry in FalloutPrefs.ini. bHighQuality20Lighting 0 Unknown. bIgnoreResolutionCheck 0 Unknown. Possibly unused. bImageSpaceEffects 1 Determines if effects from the [Imagespace] section are used ...
Sets Resolution (works only in Windowed Mode). (FalloutPrefs.ini) fGamma=1.0000 fGammaMax=0.6000 fGammaMin=1.4000 Sets Brightness level , you can adjust beyond the limit given in-game menu. (FalloutPrefs.ini) bUseRefractionShader=1– Controls invisiblilty effect in the game, setting value to...
uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart3=0 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart2=0 uVideoDeviceIdentifierPart1=0 iShadowFilter=0 bAllowPartialPrecision=1 iShadowMapResolution=1024 bShadowsOnGrass=1 bActorSelfShadowing=1 iActorShadowCountInt=2 iActorShadowCountExt=2 fPipboy1stPersonFOV=47.0 fDefault1stPerson...
Resolution change: Fallout4Prefs.ini -> [DISPLAY]: iSize H=768iSize W=1366Turning off VSync: Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini, Fallout4Prefs.ini -> [DISPLAY]:iPresentInterval=0Field of view: Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini -> [DISPLAY]:...
Increases the resolution size from 256 to 1024 and created new textures for screen, world, wounds and static blood decals. Esps are used to increase the size appearance of the blood, adjustments for screenblood, and add more giblets and new wounds related to the weapon type. ini will chang...
Increases the resolution size from 256 to 1024 and created new textures for screen, world, wounds and static blood decals. Esps are used to increase the size appearance of the blood, adjustments for s
*.ini tweaks Change display, graphics, volume, audio, interface, and voice chat settings. Disable VSync (frame rate cap). Change your FOV. Mouse sensitivity fix for ALL aspect ratios. Pip-Boy customization Change the color and resolution of your Pip-Boy and Quick-Boy. ...