5. Enhanced Camera Check Out This Mod The first-person view should enhance immersion, right? Then why the fridge can’t I look at my own boots? The limitations of the Fallout 3 first-person view are a thing of the past with the Enhanced Camera mod. Just install this mod (free, of...
Centers the third-person camera so that your character isn't off to the left of your screen. Also increases the max camera distance so you can scroll back much further. -- Now with improve
Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera Gameplay Effects and Changes Uploaded: 19 Mar 2014 Last Update: 16 May 2014 Author: LogicDragon This is a FOSE plugin that enables a visible body and player shadows when in first person. Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting/...
Overhead3PCamera.esp RRWastelandPosters.esp RR_Refurbished.esp ShadySands.esp bzArmour-nude.esp bz...
If the camera is distorted you have 3 main options: 1) Open the console using the [~] key, then type TFC (Toggle Free Cam) into the console when you are in 3rd person. 2) Hold down “F”. 3) Equip the Pip-Boy. This will reset the cam. Sound Pack Sounds are hosted at the ...
Toggle Free Camera Mode 自由视角 Cheat code: tfc Turn HUD On or Off Cheat code: tm Unlock Selected Lock Cheat code: unlock --- 再加一个负重的 player.setav carryweight # --- player.additem # Books Big Book of Science 0003403C Big Book of Science 0002D3A...
fCameraDist=1000.0 ; 镜头距离?未测试.默认 1000 fHierarchyGain=0.17 ; 层级增进.未测试.默认 0.17 fVelocityDamping=0.0 ; 速率阻尼.大概是镜头移动和推/拉后,景物再跟进和自动回中.数值为整数.未测试.默认 0.0 fAccelerationGain=0.8 ; 加速度.鼠标移动越快镜头移动越远.默认 1.0 ...
When selecting "Devour," the camera will automatically go to third person and will zoom out. The Lone Wanderer cannot move, look at their Pip-Boy or draw a weapon. However, it is possible to change weapons with the quick-select menu. ...
A freecam function, not present in Fallout 4, allows the player to detach the camera while building in order to speed up the process and easily reach all areas. Due to its multiplayer nature, it is not possible to manually save, as the game instead keeps track of every action the ...