Earnest Cavalli
See Fallout 3: Broken Steel's production, company, and contact information. Explore Fallout 3: Broken Steel's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment profession
8. Fallout 3 - Broken Steel (2009) 9. Fallout 3 - Point Lookout (2009) 10. Fallout 3 - Mothership Zeta (2009) 11. Fallout: New Vegas (2010) 12. Fallout: New Vegas - Dead Money (2010) 13. Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts (2011) 14. Fallout: New Vegas - Old World Blues (...
You may have dealt the Enclave a serious blow at Project Purity, but their forces are still out there, and still pose a grave threat to the people and security of the Capital Wasteland. In Broken Steel, you’ll continue your current Fallout 3 character p
↑ Events of Broken Steel Fallout 3 ↑ Fort Bannister (Fallout 3) ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "What's happening here?" Paladin Hoss: "We were performing a training exercise with one of the Initiates when we were cut off by the Super Mutants. We saw him flee into a building up ahead dur...
"(Sarah Lyons' dialogue (Broken Steel)) ↑ Lone Wanderer: "Wow. You guys don't screw around. "<Sarah Lyons: "I'll take that as a compliment. If we don't try to keep the mutants from killing everyone and everything in the Capital Wasteland, who will? The Brotherhood does its best...
一台代号为Highwater-Trousers(短管长裤)的轨道导弹平台,在异尘余生3中可透过卫星站的终端机使用。一台名为Bradley-Hercules(布莱德利-海克力士)的高爆导弹轨道平台,此武器在异尘余生3的拓展包Broken Steel中摧毁了Liberty Prime(自由至尊)。出现于异尘余生:新维加斯中,搭载激光的Archimedes II(阿基米德二世)。他们都...
(How could you not?) He/She's the malignant Marauder who oozed out of Vault 101. You'll never guess what he/she's up to now." MoreBroken Steel add-onArchitect of Doom Level 21: "So what's new with that master of disaster, that duke of destruction, that bad to the bone… ...
Idiot's Guide to get Broken Steel started: 1 Unzip to fallout 3\data and enable in FOMM. Put the plugin at the END of the load list. 2 Right click your fallout3.exe and CHECK the version of your executable in properties. If it is not, you've screwed up. Patch again. ...
Adams Air Force Base is a heavily fortified Enclave compound outside the Capital Wasteland in Maryland in 2277. It is available only with the Broken Steel add-on for Fallout 3. The base must be accessed by taking the metro train in the Presidential metro