Counterfeit bottle caps are a miscellaneous item in Fallout: New Vegas. Counterfeit bottle caps are the product of attempts by counterfeiters to create new bottle caps by replicating the look and feel of real pre-War bottle caps. Physically, they appear
瓶蓋偽造者的棚屋是莫哈維廢土上的一個地點。它坐落在苦泉鎮遊覽區以西,在公路和鐵軌旁。 At an unknown point in time, this shack was used to produce Counterfeit bottle caps. When the Courier arrives in 2281, the shack is abandoned, with only a small handful
{{Infobox perk |image =FO3 Contract Killer.png |games1 =FO3 |requires1 =[[Level]] 14 |ranks1 =1 |effects1 =-10 [[Karma (Fallout 3)|Karma]] and 10 to 15 [[Bottle cap (Fallout 3)|caps]] for killing '''good''' characters |formid1 ={{ID|044ca8}} }}{{Games|FO3}} {{...
Bottle Cap Resources Endorsements 1 Unique DLs 26 Total DLs 30 Total views 1,734 Version 1.0 Download: Manual 5 items Last updated 29 March 20242:30AM Original upload 29 March 20242:30AM Created by Gizmo Uploaded by Gizmoooooo Virus scan ...
战区(Combat Zone)战区(Combat Zone)是尸鬼(Ghoul)汤米·洛涅根(Tommy Lonegan)开办的一个竞技场,凯特(Cait)是他手下的冠军【在学院(The Institute)合成人(Synth)回收部门的终端机2B里,也可查到汤米是学院(The Institute)的间谍,为了赚取瓶盖(Bottlecap),不断向学院(The Institute)提供关于逃脱的合成人(Synth)的...
Divided in 6 pieces without the bottlecap, so you can glue on it a real CocaCola or NukaCola bottlecap if you have it. The model in the pictures was printed with an Anycubic Kossel Delta 230x230x300. Leave a comment if you have feedback or requests, and have fun printing! Tags Repor...
I hate bottle and happy. I need a way to throttle them off; they come at the worst times. You just successfully rushed a group to bring up their happiness? Oh wait, whats this?! Nope, no you didn’t... Bottle and Cappy have come to ruin your work, guess you will have to wait... 5 months time modding My Utility World - MUW - v3 Added:I have received permission from Earache42 to Merge the Original xCal Munition Shop into MUW ! You can now play that classic mod again, with all the cool scripted guns ...
波士顿市中心区-滨水区(Boston Harbor)滨水区(Boston Harbor),又名海港区(Seaport District)、创新区,早在1887年,波士顿港(Boston Harbor)就曾是集装箱船的集散地,历史悠久。波士顿港(Boston Harbor)拥有20世纪的海关大楼(Custom House Tower)和1787年建立的三叶草酒馆(The Shamrock Taphouse),现在是泥沼蟹(Mirelurk...
Item NameID Code Army Fatigues 00023431 Baseball Uniform 00144f03 Bos Officer Uniform 00134294 Bos Uniform (orange) 000dedeb Bos Uniform (gray) 002223e3 Bottle And Cappy Shirt & Jeans DLC Code + 029c0f Bottle Shirt & Jeans DLC Code + 029c10 Cappy Shirt & Jeans DLC Code + 029c12 ...