Power armor, also referred to as powered armor, powered combat infantry armor,[1] and powered infantry armor,[2][3] is a type of personal infantry suit intended for combat and heavy-labor roles, similar to that of an infantry fighting vehicle. Power armo
Army Power Armor 00061A72 Athlete of the Wastes Outfit 000340FB Ballcap with Glasses 00028FFA Bandana 00073D57 Biker Goggles 0009B188 BirthSkirt 0007CFF0 Blast Off Helmet 0007494C Blast Off Pajamas 0005B6EA Boogeyman's Hood 0008F775 Brahmin-Skin Outfit 00018DE5 Brotherhood of Steel Powered Arm...
Fallout 3 location 康斯坦丁要塞外觀 概述 普遍 遊戲信息 技術 組織 U.S. Army (pre-War) 終端機 Fort Constantine terminal entries 機械人 Level dependent robotsAutomated turrets 地圖 世界地圖 本地地圖 康斯坦丁要塞i是Capital Wasteland 西北部一個相當大的哨點和ICBM(洲際導彈發射基地)在通訊衛星陣列 NW...
Fallout 3 location 康斯坦丁要塞外观 概述 普遍 游戏信息 技术 组织 U.S. Army (pre-War) 终端机 Fort Constantine terminal entries 机器人 Level dependent robotsAutomated turrets 地图 世界地图 本地地图 康斯坦丁要塞i是Capital Wasteland 西北部一个相当大的哨点和ICBM(洲际导弹发射基地)在通讯卫星阵列 NW...
Army Mechanic Jumpsuit 0100A0EC Combat Helmet 0100CDDE Chinese Jumpsuit 0100C1CA Chinese General Hat 0100C1C8 Chinese Stealth Armor 0100C18F Chinese Stealth Helmet 0100C190 General Chase’s Overcoat 0100AD7B Netural Interface Suit 0100A6C0 0100BB28 ...
Where is your power armor? Don't have any? You expect me to believe that, maggot? The truth is you lost an expensive piece of army-issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay, and you will remain in this mans army until you are five hundred and ten years old, wh...
0005BB6FDirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB70Dirty Pre-War Businesswear 0005C682Sunglasses 0005C99FDoctor Lis Glasses 0005C9A0Tortiseshell Glasses 0005C9A1GlassesReadingChild 0005DC82Outcast Power Armor 00060C70Outcast Power Helmet 00060C72Army Power Armor 00061A72Lyons Pride Power Armor 00061 ...
Fallout 3 Army Power Armor RestoredJessie's Dunwich Building Cut Content ModJessie's Vault Jumpsuits Cut Content And FixesJessie's Dunwich Building Cut Content Mod drafigo12 member 16 kudos 13 June 2024, 10:24PM you mean integrate them into the mod? flamdongo23 member 1 kudos 14 ...
作者:suwei0206 因为量大,所以翻译只能是翻译机水平了,增加英文原版,方便对照.PS: 不论翻译如何,必竟现在完美汉化没有出现,中英对照,各位自己能懂就可以了,不懂的也可以用控制台试.代码正确即可. 使用方法:
Will replace almost all power armor variants with T-51 power armor in the game world to restore lore.