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The bottom line is that Fallout 76 feels like a fan-made multiplayer mod for Fallout 4, but it's obviously a full price retail release. So similar is it to Fallout 4 that many of the same bugs and glitches from the 2015 title remain, and taking the experience online has only increased...
player.getav— Get the current value of Skills, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. or Karma amount. SeeFallout 3console commands for the list. player.modav<ActorValue><value>— Add or subtract from Skills or S.P.E.C.I.A.L. amount. player.restoreav<ActorValue><value>— Increases the stat by a ...
I've played Fallout 1 back in the 90s for the first time, and it immediately became one of my favourite games, and, along Fallout 2, it still remains among my Top 10 - there's probably no other games I come back to so frequently as FO1/2. I'm not a fan of Bethe...
Modder Adam Ridsdale’s interpretation of a V13 concept gun for Fallout 4. Image: Adam Ridsdale /Imgur Fallout 76, with its (relatively) near-future rural Appalachian setting and focus on survival, bears seemingly little resemblance toProject V13. ButV13’slegacy hasn’t completely vanished...
Fallout 3 and New Vegas are remarkable examples of how to not lead a player through a game's menus. I *have* to install a UI mod to deal with the endless scrolling of the inventories. When it comes to pure usability, divorce the theme from the menus The same is true for FOV: the...
I, am exhausted. Rick is exhausted. Everyone waiting for this mod to be done is tired of waiting, so we're just going to bite the bullet and release it as-is, with no side quests, like we planned all along. So we're gonna clean off the table, get the game ready to fly, and ...
The animation is dated as you’d expect from mid-90s CGI. But what really stood out to me was Vault 13’s elder looking putty-faced. Him staring at us while he talks, like how it goes in Fallout 3. The animations being weirdly choppy, like in Fallout 3. It was like Bethesda ...
The purpose of this mod is to add back into the game all the content that was originally planned by the Fallout 2 devs. You will find about 6 new locations (some quite large, other smaller) as well as a few new areas to old locations. In addition, almost