Fallout 2 is a post-apocalyptic computer role-playing game that was developed and published by Black Isle Studios in 1998 as a sequel to Interplay's Fallout. The game takes place in the year 2241 on the West Coast of what used to be the United States, mostly in California and Nevada. ...
Quests 任务(英文名:Quest)是给予玩家完成的目标。任务有一定的经验值,并且通常可以有其他适合任务本身的各种奖励。有业报机制的游戏也可能有影响一个人的业报声望的任务。 在辐射,辐射2,辐射3,辐射:新维加斯和辐射4中,通常有许多不同的方法来解决任务。辐射战略版等同物被称为missions,以及辐射:钢铁兄弟会的任务则...
Fallout 2 Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas Fallout 4 Fallout 76 Vote 211 Votes in Poll Fallout: New VegasFallout 76FalloutFallout 4Fallout 3Fallout 2 5 20 Lord Darkseid Is Not Pleased·3/27/2024in General What is the one reason you love to replay Fallout games? The quests The companions ...
The naming convention for the series' episodes, in which the titles are a relevant word preceded by "The" (such as "The Head" or "The Ghouls"), is similar to the naming convention used for the quests in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. "The End" in particular is the ...
Nukapedia: The Fallout Wiki is a community that aims to create the best resource for the Fallout franchise, from the 1997 video game to the 2024 Amazon television series. Come join us to create the definitive guide to all things Fallout.
Killap's Fallout 2 Restoration Project - Version 2.3.3 The purpose of this project is to add back into Fallout 2 all the missing content (locations, NPCs, quests, items, etc) that were pulled or left unfinished in the original game. Total Conversions By AK 85 18.8MB 3.4k -- FO2 ...
This page attempts to list Fallout and Fallout 2 world objects that are not a part of any quests nor can be meaningfully interacted with. Since Fallout 2 and Fallout 1 use the same engine and assets, many of these objects appear in both games. In Fallout
Overdose[Non-game 1] is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3. Paulie is a chem addict. He is always begging for more and more chems, like Psycho and Buffout. The Lone Wanderer can give him Psycho for negative Karma. If Paulie is given Psycho, the Lone Wanderer
2 Interactions with the player character 2.1 Quests 3 Inventory 4 AppearancesBackgroundLike most downtown establishments, she is prevented from serving real alcohol, only approved synthetics, like Alcohol-Z. Once, she tasted some real alcohol, Maddog 30/30, with a merchant in the Vault City ...
Reputation in Fallout 2 is a game mechanic, reflecting general feeling for the player character in each of the towns they visit. Reputation can be modified by doing good or bad deeds, like completing quests or killing townsfolk. From highest (left) to lo