Fallout 2 Unofficial Patch, updated Download | Installation | Bug reports | Translations | Additional mods This is an updated version of killap's Unofficial Patch for Fallout 2. Installation UPU must be installed on vanilla game. UPU requires starting a new game after installation. (One excepti...
Prolific Fallout 2 modder 'killap' has released new versions of his two acclaimed mods, theUnofficial Fallout 2 Patch 1.02+and theFallout 2 Restoration Project. The Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch 1.02+ fixes over a thousand bugs that were still left in Fallout 2 after its final patch, with comp...
辐射2 PRU V29 稳定整合版来了 pclouds PRU更新到了V29,Novarain立马放出了汉化包,整合稳定版也跟上,整合内容: 1.GOG英文版,保证底层稳定 2.Novarain的RPU29汉化包 3.Novarain的RPU29地图更新包 4.Novarain的物品筛选器汉化版2.0.3 5.Novarain的Win10/11进入Vault City、Abbey、NCR容易报错补丁,Win11下测...
本次更新,体量不大,但我确实是尽力了 F812F版本特点: 1.RPU30:先由killap创建RP,后来有人接手并把接手后的项目取名RPU。 RPU不仅为辐射2本体修复了许多bug,而且为游戏拓展了许多原本被删减,或因时间紧迫而砍掉的项目。 可以说加装了RP的辐射2,才是制作人们想要展示更玩家的完整辐射2。 已汉化 2.RPU地图更新...
Before patch 7.5, they dealt nominal damage. If the player being attacked fires back, the damage being inflicted between the two players is regulated, but only if there is a large level gap between them. Players who are close to the same level inflict full damage with no restrictions. ...
Virgil informs the Sole Survivor they need to collect a "courser chip" for the teleportation so they kill a courser, Z2-47. To use it, Virgil tells the Sole Survivor to find a synth liberation faction called the Railroad. Using the Freedom Trail, which is a red colored brick pathway in...
There are still a plethora of bugs in the game that sfall doesn't address. Many of these can be fixed with Killap's unnofficial patch or the restoration project, both of which can be found [url=http://www.nma-fallout.com/showthread.php?202265-Fallout-2-Restoration-Project-2-3-3-(...
Compatible with Real Weapon Mods 2 Rebalanced.Users of Wasteland Starting Gear DC should use the provided patch.Limitations:Recharger weapons can't be distributed to my satisfaction, as NPCs use reloading animations and don't abide the appropriate recharge time. As such, they are not distributed,...
HPs +8, Rads +6, AP +2, PER -2 Nuka-Cola Quartz10 Denarius, 100 Caps, 200 NCR Dollars Nuka-Cola Quartz was discontinued in 2065 because of the unusually high fatality rate. However, the smooth taste of 23 flavors can't be disputed! HPs +10, Rads +8, DT +1, Lowlight Vision,...
The purpose of this mod is to add back into the game all the content that was originally planned by the Fallout 2 devs. You will find about 6 new locations (some quite large, other smaller) as well as a few new areas to old locations. In addition, almost