瓦茲電子微操作器手操电子开锁器(英文名:electronic lock pick)是辐射、辐射2和辐射战略版中的杂物 。 电子开锁器用于破解电动门的安全性,[Non-canon 1]例如在军事基地或13号避难所中发现的那些。 它可用于撬开电子锁和安全设备,使开锁获得奖励 (+20%)。就像普通的开锁
Inside one can find a strongbox, protected by a trap that will explode if the Vault Dweller tries to lockpick the box before disarming it (using lock picks may not work but using lockpicking skill from the skilldex will). Inside the strongbox is the fancy gold, silver and diamond necklace...
Lockpicks 1 Improves your lock picking skill In the Fridge in the Raider Camp; on a bookshelf near the Hall of Necropolis; in a desk in the Hall of Necropolis Motion Sensor 7 Detect all creatures in the area Sold in the General Store in the Hub; in lockers on the first and fifth le...
武器名 烟雾弹 射程 2*ST 伤害 6m半径烟雾 弹药 - HC修正 - AP S: 4 T: - B: - R:- 特殊- 改造 - 价值:100 Min. ST: 4 W: 1 说明 烟雾弹会造成范围内持续1d4+2回合的烟雾。烟雾里面的人AR降为2,命中-50;烟雾外面的人往里面攻击同样命中-50。标准辅助武器。 武器名 酸液弹 射程 2*ST ...
↑PRO ITEM.MSG (Fallout 2):"{5500}{}{Water Chip}" "{5501}{}{This is a Vault-Tec water chip. They are typically packaged in groups of five to a box.}" ↑Vault City central computer:"{241}{}{Cross-reference the GECK shipment information.}" ...
Recycled into Lockpick. Mechanic The ability to diagnose and fix ordinary mechanical problems in machines of your TL. Roll once per diagnosis or repair. Merged into Repair. Merchant The ability to act as a “trader,” buying and selling merchandise. A successful skill roll lets you judge ...
IfLockpickis tagged, theVault Dwellerwill start off with a set. Given as a welcoming prize for joining theThieves' Circleinthe Hub. Sold by theShopkeeper. On the floor of thedeathclaw warehouse's basement. Fallout 2 InGecko junkyard.